Easy Fish Fritters Recipe: Made from Scratch | French Cooking Academy
Home » Easy Fish Fritters Recipe: Made from Scratch | French Cooking Academy

Easy Fish Fritters Recipe: Made from Scratch | French Cooking Academy

Welcome back to the channel so in this Cooking class so I call it this way Because we're always making tutorials Here we're going to be learning how to Make French style fish FRS we're going To be talking about batter the different Style we use in France how to make the Fritters and then how to make a very Special uh Tangy kind of spicy sauce That originate from the French Caribbean Because the original version of that Recipe comes from there and this freers Are called the Akra de muru called the Salted cod fish Freighters but we're Just going to use Simple white fish to Make things simple let's get started so Let's begin here talking about the most Important uh component which is the Butter so every time you want to deep Fry something in French cooking and you Want to use fruit or vegetables or Whatever you dip it in and then deep fry There's different types of butter that You can use a lot of them derive from The crab butter to start with but Depending on what you're making and the But can be uh mixed with milk like here With water sometimes with beer and you Can also use uh element to flavor the Batter and also yeast depending on what You're making there's also another style Of like temporary style of butter that Is used for vegetables like you know in Japanese Cuisine we're going to have a

Mix of normal flour rice flour potato Starch and so on and so forth and plenty Of different things what I'm going to be Sharing with you here is a simple base Version that is pretty much um based on The crab batter that you can use as well And the good thing about it is that you Can make it very simply just by using Milk like a crap batter or you can Replace the milk with beer so if you Like fish with a beer butter can use That recipe uh and use beer instead of Milk very simple don't use water for That one though the other difference is That a crap batter usually has whole Eggs and here we're only going to be Using egg yolks but that's about it so Let's make it and now let's make the Batter one thing to note when you have a Recipe that includes butter always make The butter first because it needs to Rest for minimum an hour sometime two Sometime more so always start with this First we're going to do Bowl we're going To sift all the flour in the bowl always Important the sifting keep in mind by The way that if you're making a crab but Is pretty much the same process so we've Got dry ingredient number one which is The flour you always follow with another Dry ingredients going to be the salt and There's no sugar in that one okay then We make that kind of little well we add Here it is on egg

Yolks in the middle okay and we start to Mingling everything together and what I'm going to do here very simply I'm Going to start to add a little bit of The Milk bit at a time and we incorporate And we're going to get something that's Rather fake in here okay so now I'm all Done what I add here is a little bit of Oil and that's going to be it we're Going to mix everything there and we're Done so as you can see it is very simple This is the end result it's a fake Better and remember we're not making Crabs we're making fritters The reason It's fake like this as well is because There is something extra that you can do If you want to if you want to have Something a bit lighter and Airy and to Add some air where you can make a mering And then add some mering into the butter Just before putting the fish and Whatever resting time remember one hour Minimum okay if you want to leave it Longer you can make sure you just cover It like this and if it gets a bit more Dry as you keep it in the fridge we can Always add a little bit of milk in there It's never a problem now once you're Done with the batter the other thing you Can make in advance is that spicy sauce That dipping sauce that I've talked About but to make it today we're going To do it differently because as you can

See right here there's a newcomer into My kitchen and rest assur this is not a Sponsored PID post by magimix at all This a just bought myself recently Because I needed one the reason I'm Talking about this it is because that's Not the only thing it came with this is What came with that machine and Surprisingly imagine if you don't know It's a French company and there Is about 50 more recipes in there so I'm Going to do that source to show you We're going to see with the book what Happens and I think you know what on my Next videos I'm going to take you Through some of the recipes in there That I really want to test because it's Claiming seconds and I want to see if That's going to work so for now let's Test that Sauce now let's do this this is quite Exciting I love to try these little Gadgets so there we got the bowl uh it Says we have to use a normal blades so We're going to log this thing into place And this is the lid we're going to be Using okay and it says here we have to Put first the chilies in there uh with The onions in there and the coriander And the parsley okay so I've already Prepared the ingredients this is to Leave the same it's called a sprig of Something apparently there's a stem with It and pears four to five time can we do

This one 2 3 4 Five okay if you're curious that's how It looks like it's kind of coarse okay Interesting and now we continue Add all the other ingredients and blend For 30 second oh it says it's an Extremely hot sauce we have to be Careful so the other ingredients so I've Got some Vinegar some lemon Juice and there's some oil in there Okay and there is some Salt up and then it says to blend this For 30 seconds I'm I'm going to put here A timer on Okay so here I go 30 Seconds almost There Boom all right let's see what we've got So let's see if it's super hot I'm go on Fire Here yeah I think it's hot while your But is resting it is time to prepare the Fish now the fish uh it's going to take A little time because we need to pre Cook it we need to poch it and you don't Use the fish roll like this so make sure You trim it you get all the nice pieces Okay and we're going to poach it in a Coru which is water with some aromatics I'll show you that in a second when this Is done we're going to mix uh the cooked Fish we're going to flake it put it Through the butter with some flavoring

Ingredients so the flavoring ingredients Can vary but typically you're going to Have spring onion chives this is a Mixture of shots and garlic and a bit of Chili can be kind pepper this is esaret Pepper from the Bas country you can use Tight chilies if you want something Really strong salt and pepper and then We're going to mix everything together The fish the butter the aromatics have That kind of thick paste and this is What we're going to use to make the Fritters so you see nothing complicated Let me start by showing you how we're Going to be poaching the fish and now For the kuu what does it mean KB means The short boil all it is is water we're Going to have a little bit of of salt in There and we've got all the aromatics You can add time but it's just ready to Add a little flavoring in there I'm Going to be using A hint of acidity so I'm using lemon you Can use vinegar if you want we're going To wait for this to boil we're going to Leave this to boil very shortly and then Turn the heat off and then plunge the Fish in here this is a technique from The rub Brothers uh that they tend to Use instead of putting the fish where Leave it to boil to avoid any Overcooking they kind of boil first turn The heat off and plung the fish in there Which is something that works pretty

Well perfect so as you can see it's Boiling K short boiling so one or two Minute maximum you don't want to cook Any and I'm turning my heat off simple And now I'm going to take my fish and I'm going to plunge it in there directly So typically five or 6 minutes can leave It in there always important use a timer Up let's go okay I'm all done and by the Way I'm using rockling in here I've Added some paper corn it's got a little Bit milky the water but that technique From the real brothers one of the fish That uh the thing that I really like is That you will Never overcook your fish so you bring to The boil turn the heat off and the fish You see look at that it's moist and Tender just about cooked and can be Flaked that kind of technique is golden For me especially at home because it Really prevents you to make big mistake Because fish if you overcook it it's Terrible so the next step once the fish Is good is to flake it so as you can see This is the texture we want the pieces Like this you can use a fork you can use A knife you can use your hands make sure You wash your hands hold on so look at This we already I took my batter out of The fridge I've got my fishes pre and Flaked and all the other flavoring Ingredients now measuring for the making Of the FR is very very

Important the weight of the fish you use Okay let's say I'm going to use 300 gram You need to you need to have half that Weight in batter okay so more fish than Batter so I'm going to take here 300 G Of that fish and then I'm going to Divide this into two and take 150 g of Batter okay and then we're going to mix Everything through and now for the Assembly so I've got my batter that's Been measured here and this is a Starting point we may need to adjust a Little bit more depends on your type of Fish how running your batteries etc etc But this is it now let's talk baking Powder a lot of recipes say you need to Add a bit of baking powder usually I Don't I'm going to add just to show you So a tiny bit like kind of not even a Quarter of a teaspoon in there it is Said that sometimes it makes the whole You know your B your fre a little bit More fluffier anything like this Uh I'm not always too convinced but I'm Going to do it okay so steer that Through and then you can start to add Your fish okay and it's just adding the Fish adding the batter and then we're Going to add the other ingredients all Done so as you can see we got some Beautiful colors going on and from here And we're going to add the rest you Don't have to add everything it's really Up to you I I like always to kind of

Judge by Vision like I kind of look and I'm like ah you know want maybe a bit of Chives in here I'm going to my bit of Chili that enough yes and maybe you know Grind of pepper in There and of course a bit of Salt you want some salt because there Was no salt at all and then you mix the Whole LT I'm going to go crazy and add a Bit of this th chilies in there that's Going to be Hot I'm going to be on fire and that's Going to be okay so in the fridge And oil time let's go so I've got an oil At 180° Celsius with fite and with the Spoon I'm going to start first I always Do a test with a kind of a small uh Tablespoon because there is a chance That this thing might decide to fall Apart Totally here we go first one okay the Foam is receding it's barely 3 minutes Wo look at that yeah I've just Tak my Temperature of the was a little bit too Hot so make sure it's not tooo hot I'm Going to use one with a chili see it Goes ooh so 3 minutes I think it's spot On and I think definitely below 180 to Give you a bit of time to cook the whole Thing there will be better I would say 175 might be best so you have time to Kind of let it to roll around and really Cook properly I've just for two in there

To lower the oil temperature I'm going To tame it down let's look and we going On our way to the first minute ah see so Lower temperature that's going to retake Its time to cook there that's a bit Better let's have a Look wow I like that nice color not too Brown I'm going to stop it so actually It is really really fast let's try One rolling the drums okay so look at That this one though it's still a little Bit at lower temperature let's see how It tastes like a bit it's more but it's Cooked because the fish is cooked Already so no problem no I think it's Fine the fish is not like um rubber you Feel the fish I can feel the other Aromatics I can feel the chives and the Um the spring onion but definitely you Know what it needs here is a dipping Sauce now remember that sauce was super Hot uh but why do we have this kind of You know lemony vinegary kind of sauce With chili because the but with the White fish there's a dullness to it it's Fine it stays fine but it just needs Something to wake wake the whole thing Up and I hope this is going to be the Answer let's See yeah Immediately perfect Match now that is bringing the missing Element so you got the tanginess Zestiness lemon so fish and lemon goes

Super Well yeah I'm going to open another one Up okay one of the the beginning it's Like a fish nugget but that sauce wow You need something like this now that Was quite interesting and that completes The video on how to make some simple Fish FRS I call Akra in the French Caribbean and made remember with salted Cot for the original recipe but here We're using no more fish and perhaps you Could use salmon who knows that's proba Me I will leave you with this picture on The screen and I'll be waiting for you For the next little cooking class on the French cook Academy take care [Music] Byebye Of [Music] [Music] [Music] Baby I don't want tox it baby [Music] [Music] Bab baby you me

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