Pizza alalia is a rectangular Pizza Which makes it perfect for a sheet pan What's great about my version is it's a Shortcut version after you've mixed your Dough you just plop it on an oiled sheet Pan and let it rise right in that sheet Pan to make a homemade pizza stone take Another sheet pan turn it upside down And put it in your oven as it's Preheating and then when you put your Pizza dough on top of it it starts Cooking it immediately so you get a Crisp crust then once it's out of the Oven top it with whatever you have
Have you ever wondered why most of the Vinaigrettes in the grocery store are made with 10, 20, sometimes even almost 30 ingredients? I remember growing up in Provence watching my mother whipping vinaigrettes before every single dinner. She would mix in a giant bowl, delicious extra virgin olive oil, a robust aged vinegar (the flavor would depend on the main dish), sea salt and pepper and voila! I decided to do the same thing for my family and friends more than 20 years ago here in this beautiful country. And Provence Kitchen® was born. Stay tune for more articles and wonderful family recipes..
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