Cheese Soufflé Reinvented: Easier, Faster, and Modern
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Cheese Soufflé Reinvented: Easier, Faster, and Modern

Now cheese sule they're great right the Simple one the twice back one but the Sheer level of complexity of making them And trying to have this sule to rise and That ceremony at the end as well you Know watching your guest as they watch The sule kind of collapse on itself is Kind of getting old and really to me I Think it's time for the ches sule to Move on to the modern era and this is What I'm going to do in this episode I'm Going to take that Ram can here and you See away I'm going to replace that with This This is my new style of making a sule It's called The Skillet sule I'm going To use the techniques that work based on The suet recess and the twice B sule Pond of cream sule mixture one cooking Time in the oven puff bake and then boom On the table this is perfect for home Easy even if you have a restaurant and The whole idea is to mat This Modern Way Of eating which is sharing PL can have Now this sule in an interesting format Delicious to it and most important 1 two 3 4 four spoons in there and a few good Delicious creamy cheesy puffy or what You want let's do this let's modernize That famous cheese suin some of you may Thinking so bad time and you may Wonder Well how did I came up with this uh kind Of idea well here's a very simple Explanation Savory sule is extremely

Simple in itself it's always the same Process and the same technique it is Made with a Basham which is a white Sauce which is a mixture of butter and Flour to makeo you add the milk you had The seasoning you got a white sauce okay From there can flavor your Bish with Anything you want here it's going to be Cheese and a bit of egg yolks to make Something that's called a mon sauce you Could use ham instead of that you could Use mushroom you can use morals you can Use truffles you can use fish whatever You want the second component is just a Bunch of egg whites that you bit into a Mering that's it you mix the two Together you've got a suet mixture you Can put it in a Ramer can whatever shape It you want you put it in the oven and That's it so because the whole Ram can Business makes the whole thing difficult And because when you put these into Raman Sul always want to deflate and go Flat I came to the conclusion why aren't We just making them flat to start with Okay so here's the skillet I'm going to Have cream at the bottom like the suace Recess and from the R Brothers so cream Salt pepper bit of cheese very simple And then the sule mixture already flat On top so it's going to rise a little Bit yeah for a nice fluffy layer but That's about it baked in the oven is Going to be served in immediately and

Like this even if it deflates a little Bit it's going to still have that aspect Of like this nice crusty fluffy suet and With the spoon you can just dip into it With the sauce the cheese and whatever It's so simple let's do it let's begin By making the base which is the Basham Sauce and I'm going to be using here the Simplest of all techniques so that you Can make at home so easily we're going To use cold milk I've got my milk on Here I'm going to add some Salt pepper and then here a grating of Nut Milk next spoon Mix blend the whole thing it's cold and We're going to leave it here to sit That's it when you're done with your Milk we're going to be making the r very Low heat always very low heat and we're Going to take our Butter and we're going to let it melt Perfect the butter is melted you take All your flour next all at once Ste very Low heat and you mix everything together Okay we've seen this a million times on The channel this is called a r this is How you thicken a stock or milk here to Make a bamal Sauce okay can leave it to cook like This on very low heat for 2 minutes Timer is Ringing you turn the heat off now for That method we're going to be using a

Hot r with cold milk so my heat is off I'm going to start to add a little bit Of milk it's like a batter and not Everything at once other ways you're Going to have clumps okay so you D Everything you grab the r on the side Until you got a nice thick paste and Then we're going to add the Rest that's about right I'm going to add The rest of my milk in there you can put It in two or three times but depend how Ed how used to it you are and once You've got everything in and there's no Clums okay no lumps sorry we're going to Turn the heat back to medium maximum if You're not comfortable medium low you're Going to be whisking from time to time Constantly until that whole thing Thickens so very Quickly look at that you got something That is really really thick much more Than your standard bamal because when You're making a bamal for sule you want To have a very very thick base because We're going to have to dilute it with Other things it's going to be cheese and It's going to be egg yolks now once you Hear it thick it's been smoking a little Bit you can leave it for 2 minutes I'm Going to add some cheese so you can add About what 20 G okay first because it's Hot and I'm going to try to melt that Cheese okay so gently if it's really you Think it's too thick you can add a touch

Of milk but be careful I'm telling You with the EG you see look I've added Cheese you see the consistency that was Like a massive paste look at that it's Very thick and we're going to see see Here that I'm going to be adding the egg Yol I want to add first one to show you What's happening okay so one egg yolk You see how it's a big plaster of a Basham here already but look I'm going To turn my heat Off look at That one egg yolks in my mixture and I Think already you know what I think it's Enough I don't want it too eggy so you Can put twoo egg yolks but Look this for me Is already a good consistency it's nice And thick if I'm adding more egg yks in There you know what it might be a bit Too much so if you want if there's more You can add two but it's going to be Very kind of Eggishorn sauuce is ready it's super Thick it's normal the heat is off we're Going to scrap the whole thing put this Into a container and let it cool down We'll prepare the rest of the Ingredients where it go so we've got Harmonet is done and this is the most Complex part of the recipe the rest is Is easy so I've got my egg white 100 Gram I've got my cream I've got some Cheese we're going to just warm up the

Cream flavor it with salt and pepper and A bit of cheese bit the egg white into a Mering and then assemble everything mix That with the mouret and then bake and Serve that's going to be it now if you Wonder why did I use a skillet or castan Sket for that recipe because the casan Skillet goes on the stove and then in The oven it's very easy so we're going To be warming up the cream so I've got My sket on here there's plenty of Cream In here okay look at that that's Indulgent it's going to reduce so don't Worry okay and from here we're going to Put a little bit of Salt a little bit of Pepper no need to overdo it and if you Want which is totally optional uh this Some pieces of time okay we're going to Warm this up slowly medium heat medium Low something like that you can see it Starts to simmer and the whole thing Here is to add cheese so the the cheese Up to you 30 grams a bit more do you Want something super cheesy or not it Depends really it's a personal Preference but what you want is to make Sure that your cheese here melts okay so Very gently you add it in you make sure It's totally melted and you taste and Make sure there's enough cheese I'm Going to get a spoon there and with a Little taste now very quickly you're Going to see some kind of little boiling

In here and the the cream thickens so I'm going to turn my heat off already I'm going to Taste yeah so for me I can feel the time I can feel the cream and the cheese but The cheese is not overpowering be very Careful if you put too much cheese You're going to have one spoonful of This of the sauce when you eat the sou It's going to be wow that's way too much Cheese so I rather kind of use that same Old thing you know less is more so That's perfect heat off and we're making The Marine when you're ready the it's Super simple I've put everything in here They're best at room temperature by the Way a pinch of salt you going to add a Drop of lemon juice to avoid over Breating the white but just a drop okay And that's it going to put this in Medium Speed and off we go We're going to bid this to a firm Consistency hold on so as I said at the Beginning the sule is not complex you've Got your Monet you've got firm merang or Egg whse you see how firm that is the Aged egg wise look at that just standing There and then you need a ball to Assemble a whisk and a spatula okay so Let's do this let's do the assembly so Let's begin so we have uh how base of Mouret you see that's kind I'm not even Sure if I'm going to use everything I'm

Going to use everything but you see even A small amount it's a lot already so What you need to do first to really kind Of make it a bit Smoother okay when you're here you want To use a little bit of the I'm going to Use see how firm that is AG egg wh I'm Telling you and as per again another Thing that I've seen with the R Brothers Making the Su recess even R junor it Says that first You can afford bitting some EG white and Really mix that base together before you Do the folding Okay and that is going to create that Kind of mousy base mixture that resemble The egg white and you see how it becomes Very runny Already look at that once we've got that We're ready to fold now for the folding As nothing new something you kind of get Used to I guess even I don't fold very Often but you take a little bit of the Egg white and you try to incorporate Them into the mixture okay typically you Have to start from the middle and try to Blend them in but what you want is no Traces of egg whites into your mixture Okay so I'm going to go very slowly Avoiding breaking them too much but Because everything is really really firm I'm not going to have too much of a Problem okay so there we have it I've Got my mixture that is ready what we're

Going to do now is to make sure the oven Is preheated the right temperature if The cream has gone a little bit cold Warm it up until it's only simmering and I'm going to pour that mixture over and Bake so when we're good to go what I Like to do I put all the the sule Mixture in there and I'm going to do the Big drop okay I'm going to drop this on There and it's going to be a big pancake And it thinks like going to be looking At it you're my God what is this thing That's the funny thing about this and That goes straight into the o 12 to 14 minutes let the magic happen Now by the time I just adjust the camera So make sure it's nice and crisp you can See that already that sule has kind of Flattened up and this is what they do Suets you know so the whole Spirit here Spoons one two three four people and you Can just just dig in you see this is Like a float and it's sitting on a bed Of cream so it's almost like a sule Omelette and under if you look at that You got all the cheesy creamy goodness That is waiting for you let me try a bit A it's going to be Hot you got all the Elements you know of the suf you got the Cream you get the flavor of the cheese You get the fluffiness of the sufle on Top absolutely beautiful you see the Cream is just just the nice consistency

In there it's like a cake almost so this Is the the cas that I'm raising If you want you can add a bit of extra Cheese in here but do you see what I Mean you're going to serve this it Deflates a little bit but you don't have That kind of horribly looking thing that Looks like nothing it still looks like The thing you had at the beginning okay And you can cut it with a spoon with a Knife whatever you want in portions and People can enjoy it just by the Spoonful Imagine being in a beast something like That and you order one of those and you Have friends all over the table m it's a Good like a cheese fond party into a Sule into a skillet and if your Restaurant is very easy to make it's not Twice bake you see I had the cream I put The suf mixture I bake it it's [Music] Done so there we have it this is my take On an attempt to modernize the good old Cheese sulate is called the skillet Sulate is made for sharing it is Simplified easy to make at home and you Can make it as small or as large as your Own remember there is no Twice baking Involved all what you need is your suf Mixture a bed of cream you put this into The oven and bang on the table three or Four spoons great poy reference Everybody can dig in it's easy to cut it Looks good even when it deflates a

Little bit and I think that's a bonus It's got all the element that you will Love it's got the creaminess the Fluffiness the cheesiness and everything It is really comfort food 101 so do try It out let me know honestly what you Think about that idea and I will see you Next time on the French Cooking Academy For a next video take care all [Music] [Music] [Music] Bye-bye you're giving me Wind and Rain some kind of Baby you Me whip up [Music]

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