How reliable are the recipes from a food processor booklet?
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How reliable are the recipes from a food processor booklet?

Welcome back so if you were here last Week on the channel you would know that I've announced that I've got a new Gadget I bought myself a new mini food Processor and the thing that really Intrigued me uh back then is that this Came with a booklet with more than 50 Recipes that can be made with that so I Wanted to really kind of have a look What can we make with this food Processing and give you an opportunity Perhaps to use your own small food Processor at home if he's been Gathering D for some time let's go so we have it We've got the little machine we've got The recipe I'm not going to tell you Anything I'm going to pick a mixture of Depping sace and spread so you can make It at home as well and we're going to go Through just the making so I'm going to Prepare the ingredients and we're going To concentrate just on the processing And after that the tasting I've got Myself some bread some raw vegetables And we're going to see what this is all About and is it up to scratch now let's Start things off easy and the first Place to start is of course something That is mayonnaise B so we're going to Be making here something from the Cocktail sauce and before we're making The cocktail sauce we're going to have To make the mayonnaise with the machine And then transform the mayonnaise into

Egg cocktail sauce now the good thing When you use a food processor is that Instead of you're using the egg yolk you Can use a whole egg which is what we're Going to do here which makes the recipe With no waste which is quite handy okay So I've got the special blade in here This in here we're going to add the Egg we're going to add Some Salt some Pepper the Mustard in There and then Le it says to add a Little Bit a tiny bit over oil to start with The emotion now when it's done it says To PSE three time one Two three when you're done here I'm Going to put a timer on it says 30 Seconds and we have to pour the oil Straight from there so it's going to be Noisy so I'm not going to keep you on For the whole time so I'll put the timer There but basically you PSE and you put the Oil all right so with the camera and Holding with one hand I went over 30 Second 48 seconds let's have a look kind Of awkward to have the camera in there But look so Far this Is the mayonnaise have gas it's pretty Good it's pretty good so that's working

Okay we got the mayonnaise let's Transform this into a uh a cocktail Sauce now if you want you can add a Touch of vinegar so I'm going to do this They say you can add a little bit of Vinegar in there so I'm going to add it And do one or two PS Now step number two How to transform this into the cocktail SCE I'm using uh CAC with the recipes Say using conc I'm using Hennessy Tabasco English sauce and then tomato Ketchup so there we go apparently you Just put all the ingredients in so I'm Putting in the Ketchup English sauce which is a Wester S or whatever you call it sauce the Cognac and something I did not expect at All a tablespoon of crem fresh now that Is not normal For the sauce like that let me put the Lid and five to six PS one two a bit Pale for my taste but this is what we've Got cocktail sauce great for avocado With any Seafood with shrimps with diced Sorry with stick vegetables like carrot Celery whatever it's an allrounder it's One of my favorite sauce next on the Line is the djon sauce it is only ham Grain mustard and creem fresh so it says To cut two slices of ham in bits like This sry one is escaping on the side I'm Going to put this into the food Processor and all what we need to do is To put the ingredients so here it says

One About one teaspoon I'm going to be Generous of grain mustard and about 2 Tblspoon of crem Fresh One once we're here apparently five to Six pulses is all you need one two so Not Flawless maybe my pieces of ham were Not small enough when I cut them but Look this is the consistency nice Texture it is a dip to have with bread Or vegetable as a little you know stter Appetizer and it looks pretty good we'll Do the tasting later the asparagus sauce App dip for asparagus and the thing I've Noticed some recipe have got a huge Amount like the mayonnaise was a huge Bowl now this one is Tiny so it says Three tablespoon of frage fray which is Typically like a cream cheese but it has To be running so I've mixed creeme fresh With fadelia cheese to have the right Consistency uh it's got 2 tblspoon of Orange juice some apple cider veg I Think a teaspoon and just salt and Pepper but this amount is Tiny five or Six PS in here with the emal blades and We you got here with is the orange let's Have a look how it Goes oh who knows actually it's quite Liquid hey so to my surprise this has Actually turned to a small amount but it Is a sauce it says asparagu sauce and They say you can add an egg white which

Would transform this into what's called Our s of the muslin sauce which is this Kind of uh merang mixed with a kind of Sauce like making kind of nice and Airy So on its own I think it could work and You could potentially add an egg white Which I haven't tried but at the end of The day it works so we'll taste it after The end now the last one was not so Impressive let's go back to something More meaty should I say because this is The tuna R the normal blade and it says Here to use a whole can that is about 200 g Of tuna in brine so out of a tin kind of Things it's not in oo once we're there We get a teaspoon of olive oil we've got A teaspoon of Mustard it says chives it's left to Interpret interpretations I've got a Tablespoon of Chive in there uh it says about 2 Tablespoon of creem Fresh all right and to finish of course Salt and Pepper nut I know chuna is very Dull so put some salt in there for sure And good grind of pepper and pulse that Thing now it says four to five time Let's see how we go one Two Three Four five look at this so four to five PS that took mere seconds to make and it Looks all right I think we could PST it

A bit more but then it's going to become Into P maybe one or two P maximum extra Now to finish uh I've chosen one of the Recipe that seems a little bit more Advanced and the more ingredients you Have and the less kind of precise he Says just to have a half a fennel now It's a bit subjective because the size Of the fenel could be anything uh so I've got about 150 gram this is fresh Fenel uncooked okay this is what we Start with and this deep is a go cheese And fennel dips so close that and we Need to PSE this First okay r this to some kind of a Pok And then add the rest of the ingredients Which is going to be some go cheese About 100 gr of fresh go chees in There okay there's some lemon Juice a teaspoon there some parsley and Mint we've got in There and we need to add also which is Meant to be hazelnut oil but I'm going To put here walnut oil Maybe Maximum a tablespoon a bit of salt I'm Going to add some pepper now for the Final run five to six PS is it says but There's a lot of dry components one two Now let me try to fish out that very Interesting mixture and actually the Fennel roll has lots of water and it as Moisten the whole Mi because I thought It was going to be very dry but actually It's not bad so we all done this one has

Worked and uh now it's going to be time For tasting let's go all finished here Are the five little s/ dips uh that I've Made and now it is tasting time so we're Going to begin uh with the first one We've met remember it was the mayonnaise And then of course we've transformed This into egg cocktail sauce now I don't Have a p or anything like that so I'm Just going to have a a quick taste of a Spoon because I know this from Before as I said the color is a bit pale But the taste is absolutely there There's two drops of Tabasco that I for That I've added afterwards but it's it's Got the cognac it's got the ketchup and The mayonnaise for me already this is Pretty much the original and it's very Fast to make so that absolutely work the Next one we've done I think was this one Here now that was the ham dip can't Remember what's in there again but let Me have a look I think some mustard some Cream the Consistency is all right goes on bread Pretty well you can see let's Try it's a bit of a smoky ham mhm yeah Like that simple but it work I can't Feel the mustard but it's honestly as a Deep that works pretty well with bread Or crackers it will be spun on all right Next was the asparagus again I don't Have any asparagus to try this with but I've got a you know I've got a piece of

Huge piece of of celery and remember you Can put an egg white in there to make Like a to make it kind of a foam I'm Just going to try like that with a raw Vegetable see how it Goes okay not bad you can feel a hint of The orange juice in there in the back But it's nice and creamy and I think When you pair it with like a vegetable Like that it does change on its own it Was maybe I would not eat on its own but With Vegetable all right that work as well ah The next one I wanted to try is of Course We've got then the Tuna riette so this one I've got a Toasted bread for this one now you see The extra PS I've done I don't think it Was necessary because now it's just a Little bit too much like you know Compress it looks like a Patty like a Paste almost well before it was nice and Chunky more like a riette not a big deal Not a big deal let me Try tuna by default is a bit Dry especially like this out of the can Um it could do with a little bit more Creaminess into this Maybe my cream measurements were not Adequate but um maybe more chives as Well it works but I can see this there's Room for improvement but to be honest When you see how fast it is to make not

Bad so that leaves us with this one Which is the most complex one of all and There are some um of this little booklet That you even have to go on the stove And go back to the food processor and This is the fenel so raw fenel with goat Cheese and it's got that walnut oil in There also meant to be eaten with Toasted bread o there's a lot of water So you can see the fennel has rended Lots of water in there so definitely not Dry and let's see how it's going to go With the Bread so very fresh very M oh the Walnut Wow you can definitely feel the walnut Oil you feel the ingredients you feel The gois but it's really not Overpowering as gois it's much more the Fenel the freshness it's very kind of It's a bit watery so if you're someone That likes this raw food kind of thing Okay let's do a little Conclusion anyway that's it for this Little experiment I hope it has kind of Broaden your horizon in terms of mini Food processor and remember there was 50 Recipes in that booklet so plenty of Things I could try it on I may use some Short format video to post some extra Stuff but for now we leave you with uh That picture of course on the screen if You have any questions about this about The food processor about the the whole Thing just use the comment section and

Tell me about it I know it was not the Stand type of video I'm usually making But I thought it was really something That's I wanted to try okay so I'll see You next time for one of our standard Cookie video good take care [Music] [Music] [Music] Byebye I don't want to JX it baby [Music] And don't to over it baby [Music]

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