The Dip Everyone Will Love (ready in 5 minutes)
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The Dip Everyone Will Love (ready in 5 minutes)

Welcome back so when summer is coming in The S of France the tapad is this little Spread based on Olive and that is served Everywhere the classic is the black Olive tapet but not everybody likes Black ol some there's anch of it mustard Into it and I understand so today what I'm going to share with you is something Is called the Tomato based tonet plenty Of sunri tomatoes we got some green Olive plus other ingredients because This is not your everyday recipe this is A chef recipe on how to make a delicious Taput you can serve with toasted bread On a side of beautiful wines or serve it As a little site that you can be using With grilled fish or grilled lamb it is Super easy to make and if you're running Out of ideas try this one out now if you Want to hear some good news here it is The taput is extremely fast and simple To make and all what you need is a food Processor ultimately if you don't have One you can do this by hand it's just Going to take more time for the Mison Plus before I start talking about this Recipe sunnd Dr tomato They typically whole you're going to Have to roughly chump them before Putting them in the food processor two Garlic clove four garlic press peel jum Remove and we've got that kind of ped Garlic on him for the rest it's just Measurement okay so sunr tomato green

Olive this is capers we got mustard Lemon juice salt and pepper as you can See plenty of ingredients and I just Said this is a chef recipe what does That mean when I'm saying a chef recipe Is not because I want to impress and say Oh it's going to be a special recipe no Because there is a difference between a Recipe that has been crafted by chefs or A chef and served in a restaurant and a Recipe that has been kind of made on the Fly by someone at home or some neighbors Chefs they going to spend a great deal Of time to finding the right ingredients That combine well and complement each Other and the gramage we have here is Not random okay it is to give you the Ultimate combination of taste the layer Of complexity that you're going to have On your plate that particular recipe was Served in restaurants as a starter so it Is not just a random recipe it is a good Recipe and I'm going to show you how Simple is it to make with a tapad Typically what you need to do is to pour Everything all the ingredients into the Bowl and process the whole thing okay if You've been to Exon provance you will See that at the market there so many Stands of people with food process Everywhere and they keep on processing Black olives the whole day and this is What we're going to do but here we have To use Sun Dr Tomatoes sunry Tomatoes by

Default they're a little bit Tougher uh to process than Olive skypers And that sort of things and this is a Spread not a paste okay that's very Important a lot of people process or Tapen out way too much so you want some Chunkiness into the mixture this is too Fix so what I'm going to do first is use The pearse function and process this a Little bit uh in a finer kind of grain Okay so I'm going to put my thing on and Let's Go so there we go always a good idea to Start with the sunar tomatoes I've got The consistency that I want in here and For the rest it is very simple what We're going to do is put everything in Okay so I've got the black o I've got The Caper I've got my garlic in there I'm going to have my lemon juice okay We're not going to put the salt and Pepper now I've got a little bit of Mustard in here and of course we've got Our olive oil Okay and then lead on I'm going to Process This and that's it Be done that's the result and look at This you get a nice mixure remember it's A tomato base type there's plenty of Tomato more than olives but if you want Um you know you can change the ratio by Adding some more or less olives so now Let's me taste and then we adjust the

Salt and pepper look at this you see I Like this Chef re because you can see The amount of ingredients you see how The Distribution is nice you so already I Can see that this it's going to be quite Good see you know What Salt not too sure I think it's salty Enough these Tomatoes I will add some Pepper but really a hint of black Pepper and that's about it maybe a hint Of so but really not much and I'm just Going to not process anymore and simply Um take this you know Ste it through I'm Going to put it in another container and Virtually we're done okay so I'm going To take it out and here we are we're all Done I've transferred my uh tomato taput To a little container I've got my spoon I could easily eat this by the Spoonful Already and I really like that compared To the classic black ol sa that can be Kind of overpowering even on its own and Stuff like that well here Honestly uh you can serve this to pretty Much anyone nobody's going to kind of Feel like oh that's you know that's a Bit odd whatever it's a bit powerful or Too strong or anything like this this Again being a chef recipe I thought the Balance is amazing the balance of flavor So now what we need to do is to uh test Drive that little tomato zonad and it

Goes either with toasted bread grilled Lamb chop or lme cutlets like this or Grill fish I don't have fish but I'm Going to grill some cutlets on here Toast some bread and then we'll try it Out and I'll tell you what I think so This is my little setup you can see this Recipe super fast to make so here is the Tomato taput the oil will go at the Bottom so you steer it up just before Serving I have spread some of the Tomato Taput on some lamb cutlet hopefully you Can C this on here you see as it looks Like and what I'm going to do first is Try that I'm going to bite into it with The tapet on there see one two three Let's Go Mhm nice Combination it's mingling with The the grill flavor from the Lamb the fat from the lambon there goes Very well a little bit of uh Not acidity but you know like girkin Like V that's from the Capers very very Good and you know what um that first Thing with meat it works Prett well so I Can confirm grilled meat especially Grill lamb works perfectly now let's Go for the basic so this is the Apparative you got small pieces of bread I'm just going to do a spread so a Little bit of that taput on there you Can see it's nothing appetizing and it's

A crunchy bread Let me Try M Yeah final word So what do I think the main word that Comes to mind here is balance I think That happened here as I was saying you Know strike of Genius the really the Careful selection of ingredients in the Amount of ingredient other works really Well um and it finds its place anywhere You need some kind of Grill something I've noticed that grilled bread grilled Meat suddenly really pairs well with all These flavors in there a little bit of Acidity some bit pungent and you you Feel the musard a little bit there's Some olive taste in there plenty of Tomato but not too much neither I think It's a great little recipe that I Believe a lot of people absolutely love Now I can qualify this recipe as an Absolute allrounder and an absolute uh Substitute to the classic tapad if You're not too much into black olives And trust me anyone you serve this they Will most likely like it this is Absolutely restaurant grad the choice of As I said is really well it all combines Together there's nothing that feels odd It is perfectly simple and perfectly Delicious now as always remember if you Try that recipe send me a comment in the Comment section tell me what you think

If you add something you want to add you This let me know about it you know I Always like to see what you guys are Making okay but that's it for this video Remember that at the French Cooking Academy we've got plenty of courses if You want to learn more about this Chef Tricks recipe and things like that we've Got a school Link in the video Description we've now have a membership That you can enroll into that's going to Give you access to all the courses that We have at the school and trust me There's hundreds and hundreds of unique Videos you've never seen on YouTube and Hours of teaching it is not YouTube it's A school check it out as what I would Say Okay 3,000 student and Counting I'll See you there take care all and I'll see You for the next ree [Music] [Music] [Music] Byebye I don't want to baby [Music] [Music] You giving me Wind and Rain some kind of butterfly Baby you Meip my [Music]

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