What Your Grocery Cart Says About You | NYT Cooking
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What Your Grocery Cart Says About You | NYT Cooking

Your grocery receipt says a lot about You who hasn't peaked into the C of the Person in front of you and tried to Piece together their life based on its Contents we decided to do just that and We asked 27 Americans to send us their Grocery receipts for an entire month we Collected 283 receipts totaling $118,500 worth of groceries then we took All of that data put it in a big chart And tried to see what we could learn From these people for example this guy Sawyer drinks made up 70% of his Purchases and when we interviewed him we Found out that he was a member of Alcoholics Anonymous and that he buys a Lot of drinks in part to replace alcohol Aisha who lives in remote Alaska loves To entertain but has to stay very Flexible because she can't always get What she needs Alaska Imports 95% of its Food and there are often grocery Shortages 70% of our Shoppers bought Chips chips were the most popular snack Item and the fifth most purchased item After cheese bread berries and milk 24 Of the 27 Shoppers bought cheese it was The most common item among the group and People bought more than 35 varieties Fresh produce was purchased 1,01 times What are your most purchased items or Better yet what might a stranger think If they peaked into your shopping cart

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