Salted Margarita Bars are the Perfect Boozy Summer Dessert | Vaughn Vreeland | NYT Cooking
Home » Salted Margarita Bars are the Perfect Boozy Summer Dessert | Vaughn Vreeland | NYT Cooking

Salted Margarita Bars are the Perfect Boozy Summer Dessert | Vaughn Vreeland | NYT Cooking

It's always a holiday when there's a Margarita it's not over really busy to Be honest with you you need to sit down Woo it's 5:00 somewhere I'm drunk Somebody pour me a cup of black coffee I Think I've like really exhausted the Like alcohol jokes and puns salted Margarita bars scen 1A take one hello Everybody I'm Bon here in the nyt Cooking Studio kitchen and today I'm Going to be making some salted Margarita Bars they're boozy they're Floy they're Not Oozy they're just quite delicious When I was developing this recipe I was Thinking a lot about your traditional Key lime pie so I decided to swap out The graham cracker crust for Saltine Crust to kind of hearken that salty rim And then you have your pretty tart lime Curd that's also quite boozy top with Some flaky sea salt to really just Reinforce that salty Margarita Vibe oh My God baby I'm on a beach so the first Component of this recipe is the saltine Crust so I'm going to melt this butter I'm actually I like melting it in the Microwave to be honest with you our Recipe editor Jenna Co actually taught Me a good little trick take this wrapper Since it's a full stick put it over I'm Going to melt it and then actually it's Going to catch all the splatters in the Microwave and anything that's residual Left over on here I'm going to use to

Grease My Pan this layer of butter is Really just to ensure some stick AG with My parchment These Bars do bake but you Freeze the bars once they cool to kind Of give you that like frozen margarita Vibe and this parchment just really Helps lift that out super super easily So this recipe calls for your standard Sleeve of Saltines the greasy butter is CL it's Hard to open open the saltines before You grease the Pen Saltines are like a little Bland I Think that's kind of the point of them a Little bit of sugar and then adding a Little bit of salt helps round that out Even more I'm just going to pulse This if you do not have a food processor No worries you just use a rolling pin And a plastic bag or something of the Sort all right so I'm going to add my Melted [Music] Butter so you're looking for the texture Of dare I say Wet sand like you're at a beach all Right let's see if I can figure this out Oh oh that was easy just put this crust In here to press this down you can use Your hands um sometimes like a high ball Glass works really well for this and I Am kind of pressing it pretty firmly cuz You want to be able to pick it up and Eat it like a

Bar it looks great This is called acting I'm going to pop This in the freezer for about 15 minutes It's just going to help it be more Structural after it bakes okay so my Crust has been freezing and it's just Like really nice and cohesive now like I Could actually probably lift this up Even without baking it so I'm going to Bake this for about 15 18 minutes till Frager golden Brown I'm going to go ahead and get Started on the curd I'm basically making A Margarita and mixing it with some egg Yolks and some sweet and condensed milk And putting it on top of some Saltines This is something that you don't really Want to do too far in advance just Because the acid component of this mixed With in this case egg yolks can actually Start to cook it and that will just Really alter the texture it will be kind Of curdled which is like ironic I know Zest just a couple teaspoons of lime Here add 1/2 cup I'm going to add my Zest in there So I'm just going To make my Mar I'm at a/2 cup here and I'm just Going to use this to get myself the 3/4 Cup two shots of Vodka I love sander Le and I've got my Orange lur here some G a little pinch of salt there to bring

It all out my Spidey senses are tingling I think my Saltine crust is ready and by My Spidey senses tingling I mean Young Gun just told me that they're ready That is fragrant and golden Brown that is just going to hang out There and now I'm just going to finish Making the curb with the egg yolks and Sweet and condensed Milk Perfect whisk the sweet and condensed Milk and the egg yolks make sure it's Nice and homogeneous I also love this Recipe they come together really quickly But you can also make them like far Ahead you know things keep in the Freezer for a very long time and that Looks absolutely Gorgeous kind of work it into the Corners here to make sure that it's nice And even so those bake for about 15 Minutes until the edges are going to Look a little bit set it's still going To be wobbly jiggly in the middle and That's really important you do not want It to be completely set Ooh that's the jiggle we want oo Ah that's just going to cool to rim temp Then I'm going to stick those in the Freezer alcohol that's actually present In there will really keep it from Freezing and it keeps a really nice Texture in the freezer we do have a swap Of the bars these actually froze

Overnight minimum of 2 hours so I'm just Going to like loosen up around the edges Here Wow so I'm just going to top them with Some flaky sea Salt M I'm drunk cut these into 16 Bars oh look at that Crosssection they're like a party you Know I feel like we might want to put Them on a Platter like a fun color oh you know This blue one could be fun no it's like This one's happier I Think they're just like I don't know Like the perfect little snack a Jello Shop for people who love Themselves this one looks like mine I'm Going to try them they look [Music] Amazing everything is really well Balanced so you have the soft curd the Really crunchy crust you've got the Tartness and the sweetness of the curd The salt from the crust and the salt on Top it's just like everything is really Working for me and you do get some Tequila in there it's not overly boozy Honestly it's not overly boozy to be Honest with you I do think that this is Kind of like the perfect summer dessert I love these things if you want this Recipe any other fun party recipes head To New York Times cooking one of my Favorite things about this recipe is

That the leftovers store in the freezer And it's so easy to just take a little Tupperware and pop them in there [Music]

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