Deliciously Golden Saffron Mussel Soup” | Mediterranean recipe finale

Okay so for this recipe we're going to Be using mussels that are going to be Cooked Marina style the basic style then Use the muscles to make something a bit More intricate that recipe is going to Be the…

Delicious Provence-Style Garlic Lemon Chicken Recipe

Now today let's celebrate lemons now When you look at the lemon The thing that comes to your mind is not France most of the time it's Italy Perhaps Spain but in fact the south of France the town of…

Taste of Corsica: Mouthwatering Beef Ragout Recipe

Island if you don't know that place this Is the best French island you can visit It sits on the Mediterranean next to sic City so imagine you get the most Beautiful water beautiful Seaside but on Top of that…

Braised Chicken with tomato and chorizo | Mediterranean foods

If you're looking at a chicken recipe That is easy to make but it has Something a little bit special then I Would recommend you try this tomato and Chorizo chicken recipe it is something You're gonna find in the…