Mediterranean Diet 101: Heart Association Approved

Mediterranean Diet: The Heart-Healthy Choice Approved by the American Heart Association The American Heart Association has given its stamp of approval to the Mediterranean Diet, making it the heart-healthy choice for those looking to improve their cardiovascular health and wellness. … Read More

Alsatian baeckeoffe recipe: Make this traditional dish at home with this tutorial

Welcome back this week I'm gonna satisfy Two subscriber requests the first one With someone asking if the dish we're Making today will be included in how one Pod series yes and the second one was a Funny request for…

1 day, 100 bottles of Passata

[Music] Thank you [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]

The Boeuf bourguignon everyone can make | One pot wonders – Ep. 2

So last week we did a chicken fricassee Which is a white Ragu freak I say is a Synonym of the white Ragu this week Total opposite we're gonna do the brown Ragu we're gonna revisit the buff Burger New…

The chicken fricassée you surely never tried! | One pot Wonders

Welcome to how new video series called The one pot wonders where we're going to Be taking French recipe that's a bit Complex and squeeze them into a one pot Recipe now we can simplify a recipe we Can take…

Quick chat over a coffee before getting back to cooking

All right look at this I've got my Coffee here Smells great and it's all set so that we Can have a welcome chat we're back in The kitchen but not yet cooking because I think it's a good thing…