Immensely fluffy with a taste you won't forget! ( Bastille day Special)
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Immensely fluffy with a taste you won’t forget! ( Bastille day Special)

Bas day is approaching and if you want To celebrate with a bang you need Something quite impressive remember that Basti there was not a picnic okay the Bastial day was actually the storming Burning and destruction of a prison so It was nothing to do with food so if you Want to celebrate it with food you need Something with fire Sparkles or whatever So to celebrate the occasion with Something impressive yet simple we're Going to be making a sweet omelette this Is a sule flbe omelette a classic from On not which is sure to please any of Your guests including French people Let's go now if you're not too confident At making a classic sufle then The sufle Omelette is a good Port of Co because it Is way easier now I like that recipe Because it is versatile it is flavored With all kinds of liquor the original One from G this is Benedictine as you Can see on the screen is a very old Liquor that it is made by monks and is a Concoction of 100 herb secret recipes Going since the 1500s but I didn't have Any if you want to make the original use The Benedict see I'm using Quant and Orange liquor you can use something else Now this is called sule omelet sule Means time is of the essence you're not Going to have time to think whatever Okay so preparation is key ingredients We're going to use egg yolks egg white

Sugar butter bit of lemon bit of salt And here the liquor we're going to have The pan and I'm going to take you Through all the little pain points and What is important so you make this Successfully at home now as I said this Re CP is actually not difficult as long As you got everything ready what you're Going to need mixing bow balloon whisk Rubber spatula okay that's the first Thing second a plate oven proof 200° C It's going to go in the oven for four or Five minutes okay we're going to put Some butter we're going to fold The Omelette on here to cook the omelet or Par cook The Omelette we're going to use A non-stick pan it has to be non-stick Okay this is the sweet Sid 24 cm in Diameter put equival on inches and you You can see it's kind of deep this is a The bio shock aluminum base if you Wonder what pan this is okay this is Going to be the key a smaller pan is Going to make it very difficult to fold The omelet and a larger pan is going to Make it very hard as well to fold and Impossible to handle because you way too Big this is the size you need if you Don't have that size honestly things are Going to get much harder last but not Least for the cooking I'm going to have My pan ready here with piece of butter By 20 gram I've got my plate here with All the elements I need for the oven a

Little bit of butter to coat the plate And nice and buttery and this is my Liquor for the flbe you also going to Need to have your oven preheat it at 200° Cel about 400° Fahrenheit and with That in mind I hope it didn't scare you You'll see let's go through it it's not Complex now that you know about the Cuare new stencils let me outline Exactly breakdown how the recipe works It is composed of two elements on one Hand in that mixing bowl we're going to Whisk the sugar with the egg yolks and The quantro with the liquor to flavor it Okay on the other so that's the first Element the second element is simply a Kind of a merang so egg white bit of Lemon tiny bit of salt a hint of sugar Okay and all what we're going to do is Then first whis that mixture and then Fold the merang into the eggs and then Cook it in a pan okay that's about it so As you can see it's not super complet so When you got everything organized you're Ready to begin you're going to start With the mixing bowl we're going to have The two egg yolks doesn't want to go We're going to have the Benedictine Which is oh sorry the qu you see I'm Still B the sugar and all what we're Going to do here is to whiten that Mixture meaning we're going to beat this For a few minutes until it's really Really

White so when I'm talking about whisking It's a vigorous whisk this is the speed At which we're going when it's done you See it thick and almost FY it's got that Consistency really thick consistency Second component is that mering we're Going to be using a stand mixer standard Whisk attachment in here I'm going to Set this on my mixer and all what you do In here the make sure there's no tries Of egg yolks in there really a pinch of Salt we're going to keep the sugar for After and you want to have a good Squeeze a good teaspoon of lemon juice In there I'm going to put this in my Stand mixer and we're going to start to Beat this at a low to medium speed all Right so here we are up and we're going To start this that kind of speed and you Wait until that doubles in volume before We add any sugar and I'm using sugar Here because it makes the homering so Much more stable the original recipe did Not have sugar in but I found without The sugar it can really kind of fall Apart when you try to fold everything Together so a little bit of sugar like a Teaspoon really helps so as you can see It's uh I've got some volume on here and Now I'm going to add my Sugar and I can start to accelerate Until we got a really firm Mering and when you start to see some Streaks like

This boom Going to accelerate a little Bit and not for long to Refirm the whole Thing up all Right I think we're good to go let's Have a look we want Something firm you can see get this nice Bigs there if you can see let's zoom in Here you see beautiful okay we're ready To go perfect so you can see is not Rocket science we've got here our Mixture of EG yolks with the sugar and The Benedictine all right and the trick Here to avoid the disaster is you Take a good you know a good two Tas two Tablespoon sorry of Mering and gently you're going to start To put it through add some foam in there So that consistency in there Is already somehow thick and FY then you Go you start to place your merang and What you're going to do in here is that Typical folding so you go Gently you know I'm not the the best at Folding stuff like this but you go bit By bit you fold you fold you can add Some more merang and that's going to be It that's going to make your base for The omelet so we keep on folding once You're done you want something like this With no traces of egg white and then we Go immediately on the stove now for the Cooking on The Omelette first of the Trick you start on a very high heat You're going to take your butter plenty

Of butter if there's a little bit too Much you can get rid of it but you want The sze of the pan and the bottom to be Coated sorry about the view okay it's Nice and hot all what you want here is To really have that nice and hot and You're just putting all your mixture in There okay it's going to be your Omelette and we're just flatten it quick And immediately I'm putting my heat to Low very very important the heat to low I put on 2 to 3 minutes I've put my Timer on about 3 minutes but I show you When the under is a little bit colored We're going to be flipping or putting This on the plate we're going to put the Omelet on the plate so The Omelette is Cooking here about 3 minutes and I've Got my other plate is going to go in the Oven and I've sprayed some butter on There so it doesn't stick or anything Like this when it's ready we're going to Be basically putting the omelet here and Fold it on here and then destroy into The openen and then we're done and then Just a matter of waiting for it to be Cooked properly and do the FL now very Quickly after 2 or 3 minutes you're Going to take your spatina you going Kind of have a quick look you can see There's a little color on there you can See the oh almost break it there's a Color it's enough so now we're going to Try to put it on the plate now very

Quickly so for the folding after TR do That on the camera on here you need to Slide your Omelette on there and then fold it on Here sorry about the Bell to have it Here when it's here we're going to go Straight into the oven now as soon as The Omelette is in the oven you're going To be preparing your liquor for the FL The best thing is to warm it up without Boiling okay if it boils the alcohol Goes away you're not going to be able to E it up so I'm going to leave it to warm Up slightly on here okay and as soon as It's done I'm putting the omelet on uh You know on display on there we're going To be trying it and the FL happens on The table so here we are I hope I'm not Going to burn the house then I've got my Liquor That Is praded on here and we're going to do A bit of a FL like the basal burning and Of course we can blow you can see the Flame in here more in the back bit on There and that's it I'm going to blow The whole Lot and voila ready to It all right so I didn't Center this Properly but you see it's nice and Fluffy and inside uh if you kind of cut It I could have leave it a little bit Longer but I'll try to scoop up some of This lovely thing you see inside it's

Kind of uh it's like an omelette but It's Sweet you can cut it with a fork and I've over the liquor as I usually do you Can dip it even extra liquor and Then it's a cloud it's a cloud look at That This is a cloud it's a cloud of goodness It's got this orange Flavors L honestly that pastry chef Crazy crazy Good po sorry it was a little bit of a Rush in there but this is the sule Flambe omelet in the style of Gast not Remember you can change the types of Liquor and I want to show you here uh This was about 3 minutes cooking time if You go up to 5 minutes you're going to Get something a little bit more firm Okay this is up to you 3 minutes a bit Nice and and and fluffy like a cloud a Bit like like a soft merang like poached If you go to 5 minutes it's going to Start to firm up and resemble a little Bit more like an omelette because the Egg is going to start to cook a little Bit more but you see it's not difficult To make the FL on the table will surely Impress a lot of people and if you've Never tried it to be honest you know When you walk on the steps of these Iconic chefs they use these simple Ingredients to make absolutely Magnificent dessert I think I should

Read my video little more like kind of Online cooking class and you need to Know the French cook Academy we're Actually a school and we have a brand New membership that gives you access to Everything so if you want to learn in Depth about dessert and Patisserie and Sauces and whatever you want we have That membership Link in the video Description it's tons of fun we've got To cooking club plenty of people posting You should check it out that's for me I Will see you next next time of course For another French cooking video on the French Cooking Academy take care all [Music] [Music] Byebye [Music] [Music] [Music] Baby I don't want to JX it baby Myself [Music]

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