A rabbit dish with beautiful flavors
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A rabbit dish with beautiful flavors

Welcome back to the French Cooking Academy kitchen my name is Stefan and in Today's cooking class we're going to be Learning how to cook rabbit rabbit not Only is inexpensive but is really Versatile and will bring something Totally new to your table and I'm going To show you here that you don't have to Be scared about making rabbit because it Tastes almost like chicken and it is as Easy to prepare as chicken let's go for This recipe we're going to prepare our Rabbit that is here the coren way which Is a bra rabbit with onion Capers Olive Petta and some white wine so very simple To make a very classic but let's talk About the rabbit here a lot of people Are very apprehensive when we hear the Word rabbit in France you can buy rabbit Like this in a packet next to the Chicken aisle and lot of time it's not Uncommon for people to actually byy Mistake pick rabbit instead of chicken Because look at this leg you wouldn't Know it's rabbit right and the thing is It's it Bears some real similarity with Chicken so when it's whole it has it has To be cut by a butcher there's like Simple Parts like a chicken so the main Chicken breast and chicken the crown is This thing here for the rabbit it's Called a saddle and you got the main the Main part of the mid the fet and Everything like that then you got two

Legs the same as the tight and the Drumstick on the chicken this is the Large chunky legs and then you get two Small legs at the front which is the Equivalent of the chicken wings in a Chicken and the rest is these two little Things is just the carcass you can use For stock and you can put it in your Dish to add some flavors and stuff like That and that's about it you see how Simple it is there's nothing to be Afraid of and as you will see preparing It is even easier let's begin the recipe Now for this recipe in terms of cookware I'm going to use a large cast iron kind Of saut pan from L you can use a cookb Dutch oven something you call a Casserole dish that will do fine the First thing to do here we've got our Meats we're going to add some salt and Pepper so it's just the seasoning the Usual and if you want okay you can also Coat the pieces of rabbit in flour like Lightly dusted in flour okay it is Optional I'm not going to do it today Now we are going to Cora the island of Beauty in the south of front just above Sardinia and they use olive oil but uh When it comes to cooking rabbit I like To use butter and olive oil so bit of Butter in here and maybe a tablespoon of Of olive oil something like that and We're going to use a medium heat my Butter here is kind of foing I'm going

To reduce my heat now to medium and all What we're going to do is to color the Pieces Of rabbit on here so I can start with The leg it doesn't matter and a light a Light brown coloration with just Coloring to start with okay perfect so Here we are so when I'm talking about a Light coloring light brown you can go a Bit further so I'm going to take this Out and continue with the rest when I'm Saying the rest it is going to be the um The carcasses that I had here that I'm Going to use to add some extra taste in The dish hold on so first step done so The first first thing is you color the Pieces of Rabbit Remember they've been Seasoned with salt and pepper I've got a Little piece of butter that is left I'm Going to put it on here and we're going To start by Browning a little bit how Petta this is actually a double smok Bacon just for a few minutes from here We're building up the flavor so I've Added some smokiness I'm going to put my Garlic and then all the onions in here That we're going to cook for you know Could go up to 10 minutes and slowly Cook them so a medium heat maximum and Gently we're going to start to lightly Color the Onion there we are for the Second Step We've got the petta garlic and onion Starts to caramelize and now we can add

The other ingredients I'm starting with A de glazing of Veger get those caramelized juices at The Bottom I'm going to then add the rest of The stuff which is tomato paste we've Got H Capers some Olaves I'll keep the herbs for after I'm Going to start steing the whole thing Through now if you want from here you Can actually add the rabbit back or you Can do a f glazing with the wine I like To put the wine there because like this Nothing sticks you can raise your heat a Little bit I can see the type of sauce I'm getting see this nice colors and Then I'm going to grab my my rabbit Put it in there all the pieces in and I'm going to keep the um the carcass as Well to give some f the flavor in there Okay so was nice like a stock like a a Bokus technique actually it was love to Do that Bokus so when you're here you got two Choice typically you can add some stock To top up here the liquid but because It's home cooking and I want to keep Things very easy I'm going to just use a Little bit water so this is brazing Brazing is cooking in a liquid but it's Not fully submerged the meat is partly Submerged once your mixture is boiling This you want to light boil it's going

To be time to add the herbs now the Herbs in Cora Corsa is it's got a big Mountain it's very montane so it's like The The Province like the provincial Herbs you get the th you get the baile Leave some other things but I don't have All the herbs on here I've got some Rosemary that I had from the garden I'm Run out of bay leaves unfortunately Don't know why actually um but I'm going To add a hint of parsley guess it's not Really conventional to have parsley but Just A few leaves on there and then mix that In then the lid on I'm going to leave This to cook so everything is ready I've Got my heat on low and we're going to Cook this Al it is bra but Al mean you Need to Suffocate the rabbit what it means is That all that steam okay does not want To escape you want to almost you know Seal the whole thing so we're putting a Lean totally covered very low heat 45 to 40 minutes let's go now after 35 to 40 Minutes you're going to open the lid and There is a very important thing that Happens at that moment and that is did You butcher told you the truth about the Rabbit you just bought now if it's a Farmed rabbit that didn't exercise was Not free roaming within 40 minutes it Should kind of tenderize even though Marinated the rabbit first helps and if

I'm looking at my meat it's showing Signs of starting to detach slightly From the bone but it's far from it and The legs are Still very tough which tells me uh that It is not a farmed rabbit this was a Free roaming rabbit and when I asked my Butcher what it was he told me oh on the Label it was saying wild farmed I'm not Sure what he meant exactly but the thing Not to do if you have a rabbit like this You not off the provence and after 35 Minutes come something like that it's Still very rubbery very hard do not take It out of the pan and think oh my God This is terrible meat no what you want Is the meat to almost kind of fall off The bone and to achieve that all what You need to do is to keep on cooking This so 35 to 40 minutes for a farm Rabbit a wild rabit like Sur this one That may take an hour or more or what You need to do is to put the leg back on Be patient and let it cook and then I'm Going to show you when it's done now I Went totally Overkill and went past the Hour and look at this rabbit it starts To fall apart everywhere uh there's bit Some dryness but it's I think it's just About ready so I'm going to take it out We we're going to taste it and we're Going to see exactly what we've got here Now here we are so this is the Coran Style rabbit we got Capers Olive and

I've cooked it a very long time so it's Almost kind of falling off the one There's a lots of things to un back on Here the first thing we're going to do Here of course is taste now from the Color I'm going to try just the sauce is Really really Reduced W with slow cooking like this it Is Absolutely full of flavor and you see What I mean the Small legs the front legs look at this How the meat now totally just falls off I'm going to take a little piece on Here and it's what it's called F you see it's it's falling off like That and to achieve This you really need to cook the rabbit For a very very long time I love that Kind of gamey flavor mixed with the Olive you know the wine you have the Slight acidity from the capers it's Absolutely beautiful so take wise when It's like this and it's falling off the Bone I'm going to be using this for Pasta so let's do this this is my Favorite and this is why I'm almost Overcooking the rabbit uh to the point That I've got these shredded pieces of Meat to make a beautiful pasta dish so I've got my pastas on here little table Set up I'm going to start with uh the Shredded rabbit I've got so I've got Pieces of rabbit that I've shredded okay

So imagine you're in the mountain you're In corica it's been wild coat you've Been slow cooking it absolutely Beautiful I'm going to have some P I Should have take the the fresh one okay I've been B nauy here I took the one From the pan the olives I'm using some Fresh Olives uh because the other one have Been kind of overcooked and they look a Bit better so you got some nice colors Okay I'm going to have of course The Marvelous Jew that we've got that I've Kind of slightly reduce and to Have that that sauce and the essence so It's not or tomato sauce all the time I'm going to just add a little bit of Fresh time in there a hint Perhaps of parley and of course of Course grind of black pepper but the Parmesan cheese again of course you can They really kind of love you know to use Parmeson like the Italian now I've got a feeling that this Is going to be a bit messy so I've got Um a spoon I'm just going to toss things Together but you see the Juiciness that we have here is to really To combat the dryness because rabbit can Be a little bit dry like this I'm bit of Parmesan may I try to grab an olive on Day it's maybe not the best styles of Pasta in here to get but I'm just going To have some sauce sorry about that I'm

Going to eat on the Side yes I Mean totally different than the classic Pasta that you have you know that Moisture in there you know the sauce It's not automatically fiig but the Taste of the olive the p and the rabbit That's kind of gaminess in There this Is Good and more Parmesan I mean parmesan was made I Think it was created to go with with Pastas and I'm Starving look at That anyway I've destroyed the dish it's Beautiful and then we have it back to The main dish so this is is how rabbits Cook the Corsican style my favorite and Easiest way to make it is to cook the Rabbit until it falls apart if you want To cook differently there's different Ways if I was to do things differently I Think I would use like a low cros pot And maybe really submerge the rabbit Totally to make a ragu style because yes There is a tendency of dryness even when You do the brazing but away from that Honestly you serve that pasta to some Guest if you want to surpr don't say Anything it is Juicy it is tasty it Transports you to places it is beautiful But that's it for my video for this week If you have any comment or question use

The comment section if you make the dish Let me know how it goes if you have a Twist about it tell me all about it and Don't forget if you want to receive all The recipe in your inbox we've got a Newsletter you can sign up to link in The video description and we're giving Away now a free ebook when you sign up So check it out that's for me I will'll See you next week for another French Cooking video on the French Cooking Academy take care all bye-bye [Music] Rain some kind of Butterfly baby you [Music] [Music] Don't [Music]

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