The Rose and Almond Ghriba recipe by Nargisse Benkabbou is in the description 🌹
Home » The Rose and Almond Ghriba recipe by Nargisse Benkabbou is in the description 🌹

The Rose and Almond Ghriba recipe by Nargisse Benkabbou is in the description 🌹

Today we're going to make Rosen almonda Soba is a type of cookie we serve in Morocco for tea time they usually Prepared with ground almonds but they Can also be made with walnuts or even Peanuts the ones we're making today are Flavored with rose water but feel free To use orange blossom instead or even The zest of a citrus fruit but my Favorite part is the texture of the Cookie they have a slightly chewy Slightly crumbly texture that melts in Your mouth and although they're covered In Sugar they're not overly sweet

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