Irresistible Elegance: Crafting a Classic Chocolate Dessert
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Irresistible Elegance: Crafting a Classic Chocolate Dessert

It is chocolate time and today I'm going To be sharing with you my favorite which Is called the chocola it's a simple Dessert you can make at home and it's Bed on a custard that we're going to Flavor with fresh pieces of chocolate When the mix is done we're going to Leave it to set in the fridge and when It's ready we're going to pour it into Glasses C glasses anything that looks Good and have a big swir of whipped Cream on there a bit of topping and You're good to go this is super Delicious super addictive so in this Lesson we're going to be learning two Things first how to make the sweet card From scratch and then how to transform The sweet custard into a chocolatey Dessert let's go now if I have to Confess I would say that this is really My type of dessert or recipe why because It's simple to make and it brings a lot On the table it gives you a dessert that Everybody will like with Bas on Chocolate but there's a lot of useful Technique in here so we've been talking About the custard what is a custard it Is a simple mixture of egg yolks sugar That is then mixed with typically a Flavored milk it's typically only milk a Bit of vanilla in there and that's it Then it's cooked on the stove and Thicken a little bit and you got a Vanilla sauce in this example it's a

Dessert so we have a mixture of milk and Cream to make it more Lous etc etc but That is the custard the rest it's only This okay chocolate pieces that's it Nothing else there no complication Whatever you make your custard you put The chocolate in boom you've got the Dessert let's begin the recipe we're We're going to be starting on the stove In a saucepan and we're going to make The custard I've got all my milk in here So I'm using 300 mil of milk with about 200 M of Cream take a Spoon mix the whole lot once this is Done I'm splitting my vanilla beans in Two okay and I've scrapped the seeds and I'm going to put everything in there so I've done half I'm going to do the other Half the second half of my vanilla pod Is now in I'm going to put my heat here On Medium medium a little bit more and We're going to gently warm this up so We're not really bring it to the boil But almost okay but we're going to do That slowly because on the side we're Going to mix the egg yolks with the Sugar now I did mention there was a lot Of nice little things to learn about That recipe and here for instance it's a Recipe a custard that only use the egg Yolks and you may wonder what on Earth Am I going to do with the egg whites

Where the egg whites I've got them in a Bowl I'm going to put them in an Airtight container and I'm going to put Them in the fridge because aged egg Whites are the best for mering so Anytime you go a dessert that goes for Just egg yolks keep your egg Whit in Your fridge for some time for something Else if you're making Su or merang age Egg whites are the absolute best for R Very simple we've got hero I'm taking All of my egg yolks on Here all the Sugar and we're just going to mix Everything and keep keep on whisking for A minute and so until it becomes a Little bit paler we're trying to Dissolve the sugar a bit okay so you see That color in there that's what we want That's about it about a minute and we're Done now back to the milk you can see It's fuming it's not boiling yet but Almost I'm turning the heat off and I'm Going to pour this over the egg and Sugar mixture now when you put your milk Over it's going to be very hot and the One thing you have to be careful when You're making a custard and anything Based on egg yolks is that the egg yolks Can cook and scramble so like when You're making an omelette so you don't Want to put too much super hot liquid at Once because your eggs could kind of Start to have that scrambled egg effect

So what we're doing first take a seeve You pour a little bit first got a bit of The warm Milk and then you dilute so it brings The temperature Down okay just mix a little bit and then You can pour the rest okay so you doing Two times you can discard the vanilla Beans if you want so once you've got all The milk I've put everything in a jug It's easy to to use and I'm going to put This back straight into the pan that We've just used okay so everything back In finally we need to cook the cter this Is the step that nobody likes so how do You get it right all the time first off You use a medium to medium low heat That's the place number one when to know When it's cooked you use a food Thermometer when you read about 80° Cel Put a fite on the screen it is ready but 80 82 like this you're not going to Overcook it and end up with a scrambled Leg and if you don't have a full Thermometer you can look at the foam That sit on here because when a Temperature is right you will see the Foam will disappear so let's see this in Practice let's go so heat On you see medium medium a bit you know A bit more than than medium two start With and there you have to be patient so It's a patient game you have to start to Warm this up slowly and we're going to

Check the temperature so you need to Steer kind of sort of regularly and make Sure that nothing starts to stick at the Bottom this is your worst enemy is the Bottom of the pan really the heat is too High it's going to start to cook the Eggs at the bottom of the pan but if you Kind of stir the whole thing like this All the time you'll be fine okay so Let's be patient all right so it's just Been a few minutes I'm going to stop Going to put my food tempat I'm not Touching the bottom of the pan and I'm Going to try to read the temperature I've got you See 69 so it goes was fast it's just a Few minutes and this is where you're Going to have to be Vigilant so start the steering regularly From here because things go from nothing Happening to really really fast okay so Keep an eye on temperature and that foam Remember the foam you see it still there Still bit foamy it means it's not ready Yet the foam is now totally gone I'm Going to be checking the temperature and You will see what I'm telling you I've Reduced my heat to very very 78 79 80 we Are good good to go I'm turning my heat Off and the foam technique is perfect All right so heat off and then we're Going to mix this with the chocolate Immediately so there we have it my heat Is off I'm cooling it down a little bit

And if it's your first time Congratulation you've make a custard as You can see it is nice and thick okay It's not liquid anymore It Coats the Spoon it's Perfect and now for the transformation So we got the custard how do we make a Chocolate custard well put all the Chocolate bars in small pieces on here And I'm going I'm going to be pouring my Custard I like to put a SE because There's always pieces of cooked egg Always a little bit and put just maybe Just half of it something like that of The very hot custard on here see this Pieces of eggs in there always happen Don't worry and now we're slowly going To let this melt so we're melting the Chocolate into the custard and we Spatula mixing the whole lot oh look at This chocolaty mixture It's all Happening so very thick on the first Part and now I'm going to add the Rest boom boom boom boom Boom that's going to be Good and we keep on mixing give me some Chocolate and I think we are done Everyone look at this our chocolate Cream or pudding whatever you call it is Done can I try this Because let me try that W look at that Shiny Wow that's good jeez

M now that that if you like Chocolate O Okay so let's transfer this Into another cold container so there we Have it This is the base of the Chocolatea so You have that luscious Thick chocolate mixture and that is Going to set in the fridge so I'm going To cover it with plastic wrap and we Need to leave this to set at least 3 Hours in the fridge until it fens even More most important you want that Mixture to be really really cold because Then it's going to be spoonful of it With the whipped cream and stuff but That's next but before that cting time 3 Hours minimum now once the time has Passed 3 hours or more your chocolate Custard is ready it has set and to Answer the question everybody going to Ask me can you do this the day before And leave this for 24 hour plus in the Fridge yes is what I've done and that's The reason it's messy like this because It gets really kind of uh quite set and So you want to kind of mix it a little Bit to go back to that consistency so 10 15 minutes at room temperature and we Get that consistency you see it's just About creamy very luscious and it's very Coold you want to keep it cold okay so When it's done all what we need to do is To pour this into the glass and then Make the whipped

Cream now to put this into glasses the Best way is to use a simple Piping Bag Because a spoon can be messy it's going To go everywhere so what you doing here You're just going to be piping all the Chocolate in here all right that's a big Serve if you want you can tap the glass And that's it now if you got some little Line like you've seen before it was not Totally full of chocolate you can use a Little spoon like this PL it inside and Kind of turn things around is what I've Done and I've got a very neat uh Chocolate layer here now okay not a Problem and now for the whipped cream so Making a whipped cream it's very easy But there's still some little things you Need to pay attention to uh to make it Really nice so the first thing your bowl And your whisk has to be in the freezer Before it has to be nice and cool the Cream same thing it has to be also in The fridge and be ready so that Everything is cold the amount of sugar You put I've got 200 in here it's about 10% so I've got 20 G of icing sugar in There and that's it and then you go and You start slowly okay don't go too fast At First Once the sugar on the side is all Incorporated if you want you can use a Spatula you can accelerate but you don't Want to whip your cream in the stand Mixer until it is totally done because

There's a big chance you're going to Overwhip it so I'm going to show you When to stop all right so if you want to Be safe when you start to see some STS Like this and the cream start to stiffen A little bit it is a safe guard here to Stop right here and finish the Whisking by hand just take it out and You can see it's still almost liquid but It starts to be firm because from here Things go very fast so my boow is here Still cold I've got my balloon whisk and From here without going mad I'm going to Finish the job what you don't want is to Start to see little grains in your Whipped cream because that means that it Starts to transform into Butter okay so you're going to want to It's a thin line really when you whipped Cream like this so you want to get it Stiff but still just creamy you don't Want any grains in there so you see Now it starts to be that would be done For me you see yes look at that that my Friend is a good whipped cream so now This is ready I'm going to put this into A Piping Bag with a star tip and then We're ready to dress up the dessert so To be honest for me that dessert is all About simplicity so we' got a a big Portion of chocolate on here and I'm Just going to have a Really a Generous

Swirled of cream on there that's it and Then maybe if you want you can put some Little these are roasted peanut you can Put uh anything you want your chocolate Bits whatever and that's It so there we are what do you think Shall we dive in now this is a childhood Memory uh typically you would buy it From the shop and of course they're much Better when you make them yourself but What I like is the freshness of that Layer of chocolate here and the whipped Cream and when you when you Plunge your spoon in there and you reach And you got a mix of like chocolate plus Whipped Cream and you eat This it is absolutely marvelous look at This and it kindes of mingles Together and there's no Words to describe like you can have more Chocolate if you want you go deeper more Whipped cream if you go higher now let's Go from above like what if we do like a Big Plunge inside chocolate in here can I oh I think the spoon is not big Enough chocolate In wow that's intense and you know what For me I think this is what Simple Pleasures are all about and there we Have it the Shola in all its Glory it's Not difficult to make it looks elegant And everybody will love it kids or adult

Is one of my favorite really a childhood Memory and it never miss to impress Remember in terms of technical aspect Here how to make the custard vanilla Custard from scratch transform it into The chocolate custard you can leave this 24 hours or more if you want in the Fridge and you have to serve this C then Do not overwhip the cream okay on Another words if you want some more easy Recipe we're giving away a free ebook on Our website just go to our website the French cooking and you will Get I think there's like 11 recipe with Beautiful pictures and all super easy Recipe you can make at home without any Cooking skills all right as for Meo next Week for another video on the French Cooking Academy take care [Music] Bye-bye giving me wind Rain kind Ofly [Music] Baby [Music] My me [Music] I don't want to it baby [Music] [Music] Bra

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