Peach Cobbler 2 Ways | Shortcut vs. Showstopper | Melissa Clark | NYT Cooking
Home » Peach Cobbler 2 Ways | Shortcut vs. Showstopper | Melissa Clark | NYT Cooking

Peach Cobbler 2 Ways | Shortcut vs. Showstopper | Melissa Clark | NYT Cooking

Crisp crumble Buckle Betty slump Grunt Cobbler are we missing any but a Charlotte is a whole other Thing hi I'm Melissa Clark and I'm here In the nyt cooking Studio to bring you Yet another episode of shortcut versus Showstopper in this show I get to prove To you that desserts don't have to be Fussy to be delicious I always do two Versions of one dish the really simple Shortcut version that you can make on Any week night or the weekend version The project the blowout the dessert that Is just so flamboyant so over the top That you are going to wow anyone you Show it to but it turns out both of them Are Delicious shortcut recipe easy Buttermilk One Bowl peach cobbler that's A lot of adjectives you can just call it Easy peach cobbler because it Is I'm going to use frozen peaches Because these are a true shortcut if You're the kind of person who likes to Peel peaches it has been done for you They're also usually really good the Thing about frozen fruit is it's picked When it's ripe and juicy so you're Getting that in your frozen fruit in Order to bring out the best of any Peaches whether they're frozen or if You're using fresh peaches I like to Cook them down in brown sugar and a

Little bit of lemon juice the brown Sugar adds caramelly notes the lemon Juice brightens them up I say 2 to three Teaspoons in the recipe But that much so much of cooking is like Relying on your instincts as a cook you Know trust yourself if you taste a fruit And you're like M this is really Tangy Hold off on the lemon if you taste it And you're like yeah it's a little Flat Add a little more lemon and now I'm Going to add my peaches so I'm using six Cups here you know one of the things About baking is people find it really Rigid they think I have to follow the Recipe exactly but no matter what you Cook whether you are baking something Whether you're cooking something Savory It is up to you the cook to taste as you Go you happen to be making something Sweet all the better for tasting I'm Just stirring it around and encouraging The frozen peaches to melt if you were Using fresh peaches this whole thing Would take about 2 to three minutes but Since I'm using Frozen ones I have to Defrost them first so it's going to be Probably 5 minutes I am also adding just A teeny pinch of salt here just going to Bring out the flavors it's going to make Them a little peachier a little more Lemony so what I'm looking for here what I want to do in this step is I want to Encourage the peaches to release some of

Their liquid I want that liquid to hit The pan and to reduce a little bit to Form like a syrup around the peaches so I know this is a shortcut recipe but There are some steps you just got to do For the most delicious thing I mean Really you could just go buy a peach Cobbler but we're not doing that we are Making the most delicious shortcut Version you like to bake you like to Bake that's why you're watching this Show I like to bake you can see by the Bubbles you see how the bubbles are just They look a little bit slower a little Thicker I'm going to to taste a little Piece of peach right now blow on it First and I'm just going to get a sense Of does it need a little bit more Lemon does it need a motorcycle I just Want to get a sense of the acidity of The fruit like does it need a little More lemon to just make it bright and Lively it Does again that's the thing about frozen Fruit it often just needs like a little Boost and now I'm just going to put it Right back into that same Bowl and I'm not going to spill it and I'm not going to make a mess okay I'm Going to make a little bit of a mess but Not too bad do not wash out your Skillet All of that caramel loveliness is going To just go straight into the batter it's Going to be great so just leave it as it

Is I'm going to melt the butter right in That same pan and it's going to pick up All of those little caramelly bits that Are left at this point you have a choice You can just use plain old melted butter Or you can just take another 2 minutes And you can Brown the butter you know Here at nyt cooking we love a brown Butter we just do it just has so much Flavor and it just it just sort of seems Like well why the heck not the key to Making a good brown butter is you're Going to watch it you're going to watch For when those foamy milk salads on top Dissolve and fall to the bottom of the Pan and turn brown and you're also going To listen because brown butter is very Loud you hear That when it quiets down that means that All of the moisture or most of the Moisture has cooked out of the butter And your brown butter is pretty much Ready so it announces itself or actually Goes quiet and as a distracted able Person who's usually multitasking across The kitchen it is helpful to have an Oral oral oral oral oral right yeah Au Yeah but is that weird because it sounds Like Oral auditory right is that better oh Speaking of Which it's good to have a cue that you Can hear so you can see that all of the Little bits on the bottom of the pan are

Nicely Brown they're like a dark toasty Hazelnut Brown and it smells really good Oh that's another thing you're using Your sense of smell cuz it smells like Toasted nuts and then you know it's Ready the batter is super easy One Bowl Batter you just whisk it together in a Big bowl I mean this is basically such a Simple batter you could really use it For anything this is your basic Buttermilk allpurpose batter that we're Going to use on our cobbler let's talk About buttermilk you don't have any Buttermilk are you stuck you are not Stuck yogurt works really well if you Have Greek yogurt just thin it down with A little bit of milk or a little bit of Water any dairy product that has some Acidity that's been fermented is going To work here the great thing about this Cobbler is if you have any kind of Frozen fruit in your freezer you Probably have all the other ingredients I mean they're Pantry Staples you could Even do this with just regular whole Milk although it's not going to have the Tenderness or that sort of bright flavor That the buttermilk gives it okay now The fun part what should we flavor with So we have we have the peaches they have Already been flavored with some lemon Juice to make them you know Lively Tasting but what else should we add this Would be delicious just tasting like

Peach but here are some options for you All right and everybody on the crew is Going to help us decide what we should Add vanilla extract almond extract a Classic with peach cinnamon Nutmeg ground ginger teeny pinch of Clove or we can just zest up this lemon And add some lemon zest all right people What should we do lemon zest lemon zest Almond okay we have one vote for lemon As an almond you like okay we have a Second vote there almond almond so we're Going with uh almond and lemon it's Going to be delicious when you are Making your own combination of flavors At home don't use all of those options Just use like a couple maybe pick two or Three and then keep it to that this Batter is going to go right on top of The butter and I'm not going to mix it In I'm just going to kind of spread it In the pan you don't even have to mix it In in fact you don't want to mix it in Because what you want is you want that Butter to Bubble Up on the sides while It bakes and then it's going to get nice And crispy cobblers are amazing cobblers Are just such good dessert why don't we Eat cobblers more often seriously I Don't have enough cobbler in my life and Now I'm going to put the fruit on top so You just what again you don't mix it in You just leave it like that and then the Fruit which is a little bit on the warm

Side could use a spoon and then I'm Going to add the the juices you don't Want to waste anything all the juices go Into your cobbler if you wanted extra Crunch you could sprinkle sugar on top Of this and just a little bit this is Already pretty sweet but the sugar adds And it really does add a nice crunch Especially where it hits the batter so Focus more on the batter part than on The peach and now we are going to put This baby in the oven and um you know Sit on our hands until it's done 350 for About 50 to 60 minutes now how am I Going to open the oven Magic magic People one important Point here so I Used I used a heavy duty non-stick Skillet you just want to make sure your Skillet can go into the oven into a 350° Oven so just check before you put it in All right let's check the Cobbler oo yeah oh yeah look at that see How it the juice it's bubbling it's Gorgeously brown I'm poking on it it Should feel firm and it does this is Perfect you can see that even in the Center it's brown in a perfect world you Would serve this warm you would take it Out of the oven and serve it maybe 20 to 30 minutes after baking it is still Delicious anytime that same day it is Still delicious for breakfast tomorrow While that cools we'll do the

Showstopper and then we'll get to try Them side by [Music] Side and upside down caramelized peach Cobbler it is outrageous I mean it's a Tarte tetan except with peaches instead Of apples and a biscuit crust instead of A pie crust but it has all the same you Know candied caramelized just stunning Vibes it is a real showstopper first Step is we're going to make our biscuits This is not your laminated crunchy Biscuits these biscuits are really soft They're a little bit crunchy on the Outside just a little but tender and Cakey on the inside which I think works Really well with the caramelized peaches And then we're going to use a Combination of baking powder and baking Soda which is classic for biscuits I'm Just going to pulse it to mix it Together okay and now I'm going to add My unsalted cubed cold butter you want Your butter cold if you don't want to Use a food processor or you don't have a Food processor you can absolutely do This by hand you just smoos the butter Into the flour mixture and it feels Really good I'm going to pulse and I'm Going to pulse until the butter is Broken down not very far it's I think Lime of beans you want big chunks of Butter and those big chunks of butter Will help the biscuits stay Fleet okay

That's what we want yeah so we have this Is I would say a combination of peas and Lia beans so I'm going to add my sour Cream you can also use yogurt if you Don't have sour cream Greek yogurt is Great regular yogurt but I need to use a DA product that has acidity because this Recipe has baking soda in it and the Acidity in your Dairy reacts with the Baking soda and it helps everything get Nice and Light so say that you go a little crazy With the pulsing and your butter does Break down and you get like a cornmeal Texture it's still going to be great Don't worry don't worry too much about It they might not be quite as light but They're still going to be delicious They're just going to be a bit a little Cakier okay okay so what I'm looking for Is I want to be able to just pinch it Into a little biscuit like disc okay so I'm going to just add a little bit of Flour and then I'm going to turn my Biscuit dough out into a big flowery Mass and I'm just going to finish Working it together with my hands so Just squish it together turn it a little Bit you're just kneading it maybe you Know six or seven times till it comes Together if the dough is not coming Together you also have the option of Adding a little bit of water you know That's the thing about when you are the

Cook it's up to you to determine does it Need a little water just like before With the peaches did they need a little Acidity and what you're looking for is You want it to be a Shaggy Ball but it Should it should come together so we Have our dough we are going to divide This into eight biscuits you want them To be approximately the same size but You really don't have to get your scale Out okay so I'm going to roll these into Balls and flatten them into cute little Discs this is an upside down cobbler Meaning you are going to flip it over so No one's even going to see the biscuits So if they don't look like discs and They look more like Splats that's fine Baking is really more forgiving than you Think so our biscuits are ready I'm Going to stick them in the fridge we Want to chill them for at least 20 Minutes you can do these a few days Ahead just wrap them up in plastic wrap Before they go in the fridge but for 20 Minutes they're G to be fine I'm just Going to throw them in so for this Recipe we have very very large peaches So I'm going to quarter them if you have Regular smaller sized peaches you just Want to have [Music] Them let's try to sneak By good thing we caught Them caramel time I love making caramel

There are several ways to make a caramel I like to do it the easy way a lot of Pastry chefs don't add water they do a Dry caramel but I find it to be a little Bit riskier you have to be quicker on Your reflexes you just have to pay more Attention if you are the least bit Distractable do a water caramel it just Is a little more forgiving and in the End you end up with the exact same Flavor I'm also adding a little bit of Honey to my caramel and the Honey is Going to keep the sugar from Crystallizing you'll often see recipes That use corn syrup but I for honey I Like the flavor and a pinch of salt big Pinch of salt maybe two Pinches stir this until the sugar Dissolves and then I'm going to let it Go and I'm going to let it cook it's Just doing its thing the water that I Just added is cooking off and once the All the water Cooks off then the sugar Is going to be able to caramelize the Water is keeping the temperature lower Right now by the way once you know that The sugar has dissolved you don't need To stir it anymore but you might want to Swirl the pan because you can you see How it's starting to Brown on the the Outside but not on the inside it's Starting to get to be an amber brown I Want it to go darker now the darker you Bring your caramel the less sweet and

More complex flavor you don't want it to Be burned but this light caramel isn't As full flavored as I want it I want it To take on the color almost like milk Chocolate but not quite that brown here It goes almost so I'm turning off the Heat and I'm going to add the butter and It's going to Splatter so you stand back I'll Stand Back and the butter is Stopping the cooking that is beautiful I'm continuing to whisk so that nothing Burns yeah that's exactly Right T see caramel easy not hard kind Of fun I'm adding my peaches and I'm Turning the heat back on what I want to Do right now is I'm encouraging the Peaches to give off some of their liquid The reason that this step is important Is if you don't cook down some of the Liquid when you turn over your caramel The caramel is going to be too thin it's Going to the juices of the peaches are Going to thin it out so definitely don't Stick your fingers in here because you Know caramel is uh super hot and I have Gotten burned and uh I don't want you to Get burned but you're smarter than I am You're not going to get burned you're Going to be good you're going to use Your tongs you're not going to stick Your finger in the pan to try to help Move the peaches you can see they're Starting to get shiny they're starting To Candy the peaches have cooked down a

Little bit they've released their juices And I have flipped them so that they are Skin side down at this point because Then when we overturn it you want to see The rounded side of the peach and I'm Going to grab those biscuits and put Them on top these smell so good one Right in the middle like a little flow And I'm going to use more of the sour Cream just to paint the top which is Going to help the sugar stick the demara Is just going to add another type of Crunch another texture and also it's Going to look pretty so say you were Scared to overturn it could serve it Right out of the skillet just like this And it would be almost as beautiful not Just as beautiful but almost as Beautiful so this is also your insurance If you don't have demera I mean demera Is nice here because it gives another Kind of crunch it stays super crunchy But if you don't have it don't stress Just use regular granulated sugar for Baking I'm going to move the skillet Onto a sheet pan lined with parchment Just in case some of the caramel bubbles Over just in case you know why not it is Your insurance policy plus it makes it a Little bit easier to move the skillet in The oven 350 for you know 40 to 50 Minutes So you know this is done when the Biscuits look nice and golden brown and

Now we're going to flip it I've let this Sit for about 10 to 15 minutes just Because you want the juices to thicken Up a little bit and you don't want them To be burning hot don't let it sit for Much longer than that because otherwise It'll start to stick to the pan so just To make sure that nothing is sticking I'm just doing this this is like an Insurance policy I can see nothing is Sticking it's all good but you know if I Didn't do it it would Stick but this is just what you got to Do it's why it's Showstopper taada see we was so brave I Mean right does that look as pretty on Camera as it does in my face it's really Pretty that is beautiful it is glossy it Is caramelized this my friends is a Showstopping dessert now we get to eat It we to be okay we have to shoot the Beauties first then we get to eat them All right yeah I wouldn't clean too much Of that Beautiful is that good I just have to Make sure it's not per it's really good I kind of want to put it here and have It [Music] Spin so here we have our two Peach cobblers the showstopper the Upside down caramelized peach cobbler And the shortcut the classic One Bowl Cakey peach cobbler which is better I

Think they're both going to be great but Let's try them and see so for this one You just want to use a spoon you don't Need to cut it or take it out of the Skillet this is a serve from the skillet Dessert you want to make sure though to Get some of the crispy edges on the side I me First of all all of you who said lemon And almond it's perfect it's delicious This is so good it's so homey it's like One of those hugs in a bowl kind of Thing the top is crunchy it's got that Sugary crust the sides are buttery and Extra crispy the fruit is like jam it is Delicious however we cannot ignore this Beauty I'm going to go right here [Music] Can I eat it now yes got to let them get Their shot it's so Annoying this is a whole other kind of Cobbler the peaches are so caramelized They're so soft and candy likee and then The biscuits are so sweet and the cream Just adds such a nice Tang it's so good It's so elegant I mean here's the thing You can't lose cuz they're both Delicious you can find these recipes Plus so many more and more shortcut Versus show stoper recipes at New York Times cooking you'll find us we're there We have recipes for you like that's the Moral of every baking show it's all good

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