Japanese knives at home - part 2
Home » Japanese knives at home – part 2

Japanese knives at home – part 2

Japanese knife video number two R Japanese knife suited for home cooking You've heard about the chef craving About it what about home well here are Three things that you absolutely need to Know before you even think of getting One first off price Japanese knife are Extremely expensive this is about $2 to $300 a pop for handmade knife so budget A Consideration care and maintenance a Huge one Japanese knives require a lot Of Maintenance washing by hands need to Oil them specific technique to uh you Know sharpen and plus you have to be Very careful with the handling you can't Just put them on the board be careful With the point they're very fragile and They can break okay the last one is About the skill can you just go in a Shop and think hey I'm buying a Japanese Knife and I'm going to start using it no There's a learning curve about the Japanese knife and basically you're Going to have to pretty much learn Everything back from scratch so keep This in mind if you want to get one of

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