Japanese knives at home - Conclusion
Home » Japanese knives at home – Conclusion

Japanese knives at home – Conclusion

Let's wrap up this video our Japanese Knife suited for home cooking it is very Early this is hard to say but what I can See already from the beginning is that These knife even for home cooking are Going to be suited for very specific Type of people out there okay if you're Someone that is patient you want to Learn new skills you're very crafty you Pay attention to details and you love Beautiful things like this you're going To enjoy using the Japanese knife on the Other hand if you are someone that don't Care too much you want to throw things In a d washer uh you don't care about The knife thems you want to be a bit Careless then perhaps the Japanese knife Thing is not going to be for you for me Personally I'm going to keep on using Them and see how I evolve how I start to Get used I have already seen this one Being very useful the really little Paring knife when I'm doing some very Fine shopping of garlics and shots and Even Sometimes some thin slice of ham And sa and I think it is all about Finding the right knife that suits your Style okay but that's it for this series Video see

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