Ham Makes Brazilian Chicken Stroganoff | NYT Cooking
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Ham Makes Brazilian Chicken Stroganoff | NYT Cooking

There's a Brazilian soda called warana It's like a a tropical fruit that you Can't really doesn't really exist Anywhere I don't drink soda I I never Like soda but that I would go nuts on That I would drink like a liter of that In a couple of days it's so good hi am Ham today I'm making a stroi frango or Brazilian style chicken [Music] Strogov when I first moved here I didn't Really know that stroganof existed here Cuz I only grew up around the Brazilian Style one so stroganov here has a lot of Russian influence it's phased meat with Mushroom and sour cream and it's usually Served over egg noodles the stroganov I Grew up around is completely different They're hints of tomato in the sauce They don't only make it with beef you Can make it with chicken you can make it With shrimp instead of egg noodles and Serves on top of rice and then topped With Potato Sticks let's get strogen Offen my mom was Bolivian but she also Spent a lot of time in Brazil studying Working and we also have an entire other Wing of our family that is Brazilian so When we moved to Doha there wasn't a Bolivian or Latin Community there but There was a large Brazilian Community They were so nice and completely Embraced my mom as a fellow Brazilian We'd spend weekends at Big churrasco but

During the week we'd have some variation Of stroganov cuz it was affordable quick To put together easy to make a large Batch of and no one complained I did Have one complaint the chicken breast When they made the stran off with thighs Or dark meat and then really seared it Well and cooked it down for a while all That collagen broke down and it would be Especially unx and really delicious but When you go to the breast and you treat It the same way you like end up Hammering the breast but no longer now That I am older I kind of tweak my Chicken stroganof method when I'm making It with breast to ensure that the breast Stays tender and supple and moist so We're going to make chicken stroganof With chicken thighs and we're going to Make a chicken stroganov with chicken Breast I'm going to start off with the Chicken thigh version of the stroganov Because in this version we start off With searing the thighs so I've got my Hot pot over medium high heat I'm going To add just a splash of oil then we're Going to go in with our cubed chicken Thighs And that's what you want to hear you Want to hear that nice Sizzle if you're a beginner cook dark Meat is a great protein to play around With Because unless you burn it it's Virtually impossible to overcook it it's

So rich it's so fatty there's so much Collagen in there it gives you an Unbelievable buffer to cooking protein So our chicken thighs are in going to Hit it with some salt and then we're Going to just let that chill and cook so I'm going to mince my Garlic just give that a quick on Through garlic minced let's take a peek Out our thighs we're getting some brown Edge I'm just going to give it a stir You're looking for a nice golden brown Sear on all sides and don't worry about Any kind of stuck bits at the bottom oh We're going to scrape that up baby and It's going to add so much flavor to our Sauce I feel like Brazilian Cuisine is Really slept on everyone knows fada or At least is kind of familiar with it but There's so many other Regional dishes That are absolutely delicious now we're Going to dice our Onions I see my fawn's getting a little Dark along the edges so I'm going to add Some water that's going to drop the Temperature a bit and then I'm going to Use that to scrape up all of that flavor That was down there wow look at that Nice and golden Brown nice and golden brown so this is Pretty much ready to go see the color That that water turned into and how it's Like really viscous that's like instant Stock right there going to kill the

Heat we're going to take all that out And then we're just going to set that Aside until we need it people really Sleep on button mushrooms like they're Always like these cooler trendier Mushrooms like oh look at these oysters Look at these mayaki mushrooms wao we Got a trumpet mushroom if you slice them Like a scallop and serum they kind of Taste like them button mushrooms have a Lot of flavor they're super affordable They still deserve your love and Attention and they'll still one day turn Into a parasitic Spore that will kill us All so I'm just quartering them if you Got an especially large one like this You can cut them into six but keep in Mind that mushroom does shrink quite a Bit because they do have a very high Water content so don't worry about Cutting it too small so now that our Chicken thighs have been seared Everything's cut the process from here On in is identical I'm going to start Off with some Butter in each Pan and then we're going to [Music] Mushroom toss the mushroom in that Butter until it's fully coated if your Pan seems a bit too hot like mine does Just turn it down we're going to let That cook until the mushroom releases All of its liquid that liquid evaporates

And then it starts refrying in that Butter going to season with some Salt that also helps the mushrooms Release all of its liquid if at any Point your pan ever feels a little bit Too hot and it's not cooling down like You'd like just add a splash of water You could see right there you're Starting to see some bubbl around the Mushroom that is perfect that water is Is just coming out of the mushroom so Let that release take your time this is A long process it's a long game you Don't want to rush this stage because That mushroom flavor specifically with The chicken breast version is going to Serve as the backbone of your entire Strogen off water has evaporated we're Getting some good browned on our Mushroom we're just going to let that go For a bit longer I'm like greedy when it Comes to Browning I want as much as I Can get before I get to Burnt o look at This guy right here look at the Browning You got on that and people say you can't Crowd your mushroom otherwise you won't Get a nice sear they're Liars we got Some solid Brown on our mushroom so we're going to Go in with our Onion our Garlic and our bay Leaf give that a stir and we're going to Cook this until the onions soften and

Kind of get a little brown as well we're Not for full caramelized onion but we Just want you know a little hit of Personality and you always want to Season in layers so when we added our Mushroom we hit it with a little bit of Salt now that I've added onions and Garlic which is a significant amount of Volume I'm going to season it again it's All about seasoning in layers if you Season the sauce at the end then your Sauce will be seasoned but your mushroom Will be blanded your onion will be Bland You want to make sure that you hit Everything with a little bit of Seasoning so I'm seeing some nice Brownish on my onions they're softening Up nicely this guy needs a little bit More Time but this guy's ready so I'm going To add my Cream and now when I add my cream I want To make sure I scrape the bottom and Sides of my pan scrape up any potential Fond that's down there this guy is ready Too and we go with our Cream and this is the stage that I'm Going to add my protein so in here I'm Going to add my thighs and any liquid That save and then here we're going to Essentially poach our chicken breast so I'm going to season it up give that a Stir and then we're going to add that to Our simmering cream I'm poaching the

Breast because breast gets so tough so Dry so chalky so quickly especially when It's diced in small bits like this I Don't want to cook it too much I just Want it to cook through and then I'm Going to be ready to serve it and this Is the best way to do it if I were to Sear the breasts by the time they're Properly seared or seared as well as the Thigh like this they're going to be Hammered for like chunks of chicken Breast for the middle of the week I'm Just looking to have a quick meal this Is how I do it we're going to add Our Tomato our werer Worster werer I have an Easier time spelling it than I do saying It our ketchup ketchup is key to a Brazilian stroga ketchup in America is Just like a a condiment for fries and Stuff people in other places of the World they know how to use ketchup Filipinos Filipino know know how to use Ketchup and we're adding a little hit of Mustard and then just let that simmer Away until the chicken's fully cooked The flavors have melted and then we're Going to give it a taste reason it maybe Add a little bit more wierer sauce maybe Add some more ketchup who knows but We're going to give it a taste and just See what it needs here it with some Pepper nice PCH of Salt oh man this just Smells like for 18yearold Ham's life you

Know this is done when there's kind of Like a little pool of fat on top and It's thickened you see these small Vigorous bubbles you just want to make Sure all the flavors melt but honestly The best way to know it's done is taste It that is so good that is so so good I Don't know Russia your move your move Cuz this strogen off is pretty hard to Beat so so I'm going to kill the heat Finish it with a good amount of parsley And now I've waited long enough we Finally [Music] Taste in here I have my thigh stroking Off and in here I have my breast strogen Off now this is key this is my favorite Part of the entire stroganov experience These thin Potato Sticks so I would Always top mine with a little bit and Then have a side car of some dry Potato Sticks The Potato Sticks that come in Contact with a stroganov they're going To kind of SOG out when I eat top down I'm going to finish off the Potato Sticks and then I top with fresh so you Always have crispy potato sticks that is The key part to the eating experience I'm going to start with the chicken Breast version and get my potato stick Get some chicken get some Rice wow it's like taking the time Machine back in time the chicken is Perfectly cooked it's not chalky not dry

Mushroom delicious that gravy incredible Coats the rice really really nicely and Those Potato Sticks really take it home Let's try the chicken thigh Version really can't go wrong they're Both incredibly delicious the chicken Thigh version is a little richer has a Little bit deeper flavor but it's also a Little bit heavier so depending on what You're going for if you want something Lighter not as fatty this chicken breast Is a good direction to go in but if you Want to really go for it and have like a Rich stick to your ribs kind of Satisfying strogen enough then the thigh Is the direction you want to go in Whenever my mom mom made this or Whenever somebody else's mom made this They would make it in giant giant Quantities and everyone would take Leftovers home something like this gets Only better over time you can reheat it As many times as you need great recipe To just incorporate into your Entertaining rotation into your week Night rotation into your fancy weekend Rotation it's always time to stroke it Off you can find this recipe on nyt Cooking and a bunch of other great Ones I almost said have a nice day just So I get [Music]

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