Holiday Rocky Road | Sohla El-Waylly | Cookie Week | NYT Cooking

“You have to say, ‘action.’” “I will. I will.” SOHLA EL-WAYLLY: [LAUGHS]: “(WHISPERING) Action.” “Louder, please.” “Action.” [MUSIC PLAYING] “Hi, it’s Sohla here at NYT Cooking Studio Kitchen. And I’m going to show you how to make a Holiday Rocky…

Breakfast on Thanksgiving morning: Y/N? #thanksgiving

Do you eat breakfast on Thanksgiving Morning yes like a a bagel or something Light some fruit yogurt yeah always you Got to eat breakfast always yogurt with Cranberry sauce yes absolutely I eat Breakfast every day yes yes yes…

🗣️SPAMSGIVING!🗣️ New Mystery Menu out now!

Spam spam spam it's a Spam Thanksgiving Oh my God six servings per container get Out of here spam I forgot about hot dogs Do you think uh Jack papan makes spam Meline for Thanksgiving this is not Something I…

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