Eric’s recipe for Budae Jjigae is on NYT Cooking.
Home » Eric’s recipe for Budae Jjigae is on NYT Cooking.

Eric’s recipe for Budae Jjigae is on NYT Cooking.

In my family especially pet is a feast My name is Eric Kim I'm a cooking Columnist for the New York Times Pig Translates to Army based St it's a Remnant of the war it's a dish that I Think Koreans have reclaimed after the War it's with the leftover Army rations From these us camps you would take those Army rations that were leftover spam can Vana sausages like stuff like that you Would take all of that and create a stew Out of it and so I think for older Generations who think of pet they think Of the trauma of the war it's a dish That has many ghosts I think it really Shows the resilience of the Korean People I think it shows survival it Really is just a hot pot of wonderful Ingredients you dump everything in the Pot you pour water over it you bring it To a boil and then you add noodles and a Slice of cheese and that's it taking the Noodle with the American cheese and just Like slurping that and then chasing it With rice guys it's so good

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