How are classic French sauces made | Explanation and demonstration of an easy sauce
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How are classic French sauces made | Explanation and demonstration of an easy sauce

Hi guys welcome back to the French Cooking Academy this week we are Connecting the dots uh with what we've Seen last week about the dummy glass aka The sauce base that you can make at home We've seen the technique now it's time To put this into practice and make a Sauce I'm going to use that sauce demig That home style demig that I've made and Last week and use that to make a source Leon a reduction of onion some vinegar Some other component a little bit of Cream to have that kind of really nice Tangy be berro style sauce that you find In the chicken and vinegar and when you Go to this Bistro in the town of Leon so Anytime you want that sauce you don't Need to make theab bang the whole Chicken we can now use the demig glass And make this anytime we want so if You're ready put the apron on let's get Started so while we're going to be Making that sauce that classic sauce Using the Homestyle demig glass we' made Last week uh we're going to do a little Exercise and I want to demonstrate here The usefulness of nailing down your French culinary Basics and when it comes To choosing recipes and sources yes you Can go to U you know standard recipe Books but if you know your basic you Know a little bit of a Jaron you know But stocks and demig glass and all the Kitchen processes you could use things

Like this is what the professionals are Using a reference guide it will give you All the little sources that exist plus Plenty of other things and this is Exactly what happened in a kitchen don't Think that cooks know everything they Got Books Okay so this is an example Let's take a scenario here I'm at home I Know my culinary Basics and I want to Make a source I'm going to take a Reference guide and I've put a little Marker here for the page and I'm going To open this Book at the sources section as I told Before there's a lot of source in French Cooking this is an example one page two Page three page four page five page six Seven pages of sources eight pages okay So we get eight pages is about 200 or Something like this on there so what I'm Going to do here for instance oh I've Heard about the Leon source what can I Do this I'm going to scroll down here I'm going to go don't worry I'm going to Zoom after and I'm going to go here Leones let's have a look at that Obviously as you can see the recipes in That book are very short because these Kinds of book are destined for the People that knows what they're doing in Terms of cooking of French cooking they Know the basic so there's no need for Explanation here you go to leonz it's Telling you it's a chopped onion that

Are cooked in butter just to blond col So without too much coloration you're Going to then add a reduction of equal Amount of white wine and vinegar you Reduce you add your demig glass and then New filter you're done and pretty much This is what we're going to do I know Pretty much what the process is what I Need to do I can go and get my Ingredients now of course as you can see I don't have the precise ingredients I've got some other books so I know what I'm going to be using but if you forget The process and what's included in that Source that's the book for you now let's Look at the ingredients so as per the Recipe I've got chopped onion equal Amount of vinegar and a white one on Here I've got a demig glass and I've got My Personal Touch I'm going to add some Cream and perhaps a leave of parsley What about the techniques if I know my Basics I know about my knife skill I Know how to dice onion and chop them so This is done I know that it is better to Use a white wine vinegar because you Don't want an unwanted rage in your Sauce even color your onions I'm using The white wine vinegar that's a given And I know how to make a stock and the Dem glass if I didn't know these things I'll be stuck but here no problem I can Even add my Personal Touch with a bit of Cream and parsley so now let's go on the

Stove so when you're on your stove even Choosing a pan is important and if you Know what you're doing in your the basic You will know that the sauté pan for Instance is great when you make a you Know pan sauce when need to seal the Steak and have that large surface Because of that but to make a standalone Sauce this is just too wide you know Your onions might burn your liquid might Reduce too much and most importantly you Don't need to see anything so this is Too wide so instead you're going to know Where you want something that's like a Sauce pan this is the best candidate the SAU here pan it's got a large enough Surface I can cook my onions in butter And it's got that specific shape and That will allow me to evaporate my Liquid as fast as this pan so this is The pan I'm going to use for the job Anyway you got the idea Kary techniques Are uh important it's not just uh to say Yes I know my techniques they are really Really useful so now we're going to melt The butle medium heat and then add the Onions in Butter is melted and I'm going to add All my Onions and the recipe tells us that we Need to cook these slowly until they Have a very light coloration so we're Not Browning the onions but we want a Blonde coloration so we want the heat to

Be not on low but Medium now many of you have been asking About the technical terms in French so Here in the recipe it says mu Le the Action of mu is different than dig glass De glass is to De with very very small Amount of liquid is going to reduce Immediately mu is to pour over a large Amount or reasonable amount of liquid so Here vinegar well so it's a it's a large Amount of liquid and now we can start The production I'm going to raise my Heat a little bit and we're going to Reduce this mixture my vinegar and wine Is now boiling and I'm going to reduce My heat and I'm going to leave is to Reduce Slowly by half now what is Reducing let me talk about something I Haven't talked about it is the quality Of the vinegar vinegar are very Important and there different quality of Vinegar now when you make this sorts of Recipe reduction based on vinegar don't Take a cheap vinegar always go in a Specialty shop try to get the S kind of Vinegar there all kinds of sh vinegar as Well really good quality and trust me The difference is absolutely amazing you Should try it even red wine vineger like Aged red wine vinegar I've tried Recently is insanely good and nothing Compares to the standard vinegar we find In Supermarket so it pays off to choose A good one my wine and vinegar reduction

Is now ready we're going to add that Lovely dummy glass a home style look at This very Nice and here comes the part of the Reduction again so what we've talked About when we made the demig glass why Do I leave it a little bit More um runny it's not like a syrup Because when you make sources on their Own you want time to reduce and see for Yourself to get that perfect consistency If it's already too thick you you have No no room to play with so having Something a little bit more runny just Gives you plenty of time to check the Consistency until you want to have just What you think is right and that is Important never get something that's too Short L people like to concentrate too Much but that leaves you no room for you Know for reducing you want to give Yourself space there so we're going to Raise the Heat and bring it to very Light boil then simmer just looking at This I know it starts to take shape just The kind of the bubble thicker than just Water has to be a little bit syrupy let Me taste this and it's towards the end That so is really take Shape I love that sauce it's stingy that Vinegar grasping your tongue like it's It's really you know it's really Tangy You know because vinegar and wine so as You can imagine so now I'm going to add

A bit of cream and keep reducing so for The purist there's no cream the sauce is Ready as is you can reduce it a little Bit more and that's it you can pour this Over your me but I like like butter and Cream I like to add a tiny bit so I'm Going to go very easy with the Cream just just to kind of see how we go With That it changes the color unfortunately So I don't want to make it all white but I think it does add an edge to the sauce I'm going to reduce for a few more Minutes and we going to be done look at This I we here the test when the sauce Can coat the back of a spoon it's called A spoon coating consistency so you can Take your finger you can see that Mark In there Slowly it can go a bit further but That's enough because it's going to Reduce further when you turn the heat Off so turn the heat off and filter that Sauce and we're done once the sauce has Been filtered this is what you have it Is totally pristine it is almost ser The surface is totally you know glossy You see that gloss that the sauce has Which is typical from this classic kind Of restaurant they're not meant to be Served by the by the baret like a s Borino or anything like it's just very Intense it's an experience so the final Touches from the chef or the cook would

Be whatever you want to adjust the Seasoning of course I'm going to add Here perhaps a little bit grind of of Black pepper and the par is a bit of a Sacr effect from people from Le um sorry In advance just love par some kind of Addiction um but yeah reduce my heat and I'm just going to swirl that in and Taste I cannot Convey the feeling you get this sauces At the end it is at the end that the Meaty flavor the balance between the Vinegar and the wine the onions they all Come Together to create that that kind of Flavor bomb that we have here Um but as simple as it is that's it We've pretty much done a SAU so let's Try to cook a piece of meat and pour it Over let's have a quick tasting so I've Poured some sauce over my chicken on Here and I've already tasted the sauce But uh let's see how how it goes with The chicken CU I think is going to be What I Like I need to grab more sauce I think What what I like is that the chicken When it's it's really clean And the Tanginess of the sauce with the Grill at Grill Flavor M really was really well okay It's not big ready now we are talking I'm mean going into sauce

Like I need to have a nice Representation of what that St Leon M the mixture of the meat you know the The dumy glass with the reduction don't Feel the onion that Much but it's elegant and with chicken It's great but you know What pork chop I can see this from here Long Lea pork chop and chicken with Sauce Brilliant now if you ever been to Leon And you've tried the chicken in vinegar Which is almost like a national icon Dish that I absolutely love there's Zillions of version of it out there uh This is the experience you will get with That sauce it is really intense it's Stangy it's short a little bit syruping Goes very well with chicken but I think Pork could be really good and the Advantage here when we have that home Style dummy glass it is very fast and Easy to make one of these classic sauces And as you've seen in the book I've Showed you there's so many options and Once you've got that Stocker that dmig Glass that opens many many doors to try All kinds of things and trying flavors Trying sauces experimenting with taste Is also part of the kinary education it Is not just about techniques knif skill And cooking there's more than that we Need to see the big bigger picture here

And this is what we're going to do next Time where I'm going to be talking to Finish the series on the one part we Talk which is the Vol different Technique different texture different Stock okay and see the types of source We can heal I hope to see you next time For the continuation of that series take Care all bye-bye [Music] Wind [Music] [Music] Rainf I don't jinx it [Music] [Music] Baby [Music] [Music] I O

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