Japanese knives at home - part 3
Home » Japanese knives at home – part 3

Japanese knives at home – part 3

So you went ahead and you bought a Japanese knife you went for the chef's Knife because it looks beautiful Handcrafted and it feels familiar you go At home you start to use it you get some Parley going to choping like this and Suddenly something is kind of odd the First thing I noticed as a total Inexperienced user of Japanese knife is That the Blades get caught on The Chopping board Is nothing I had happened to me before And the reason is because the edge is Very thin it's super sharp everything is Pointy and these knife don't like that Kind of movement like that what I've Noticed as a beginner is that one of the Gesture you have to do and something you Have to learn from scratch all over Again when you use these knife is how to Slice and chop so when you slice Anything instead of doing that kind of Rocking motion or like this it does kind Of continuous Motion in one go so either In front in the back it's kind of a Dance like this you know and it's all Very very very new to me so if you don't Know about this just get online look at Your type of knife and see how to use it And

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