Lychee Challenge: 2 Chefs Make Dinner and Dessert With Lychee | Mystery Menu | NYT Cooking
Home » Lychee Challenge: 2 Chefs Make Dinner and Dessert With Lychee | Mystery Menu | NYT Cooking

Lychee Challenge: 2 Chefs Make Dinner and Dessert With Lychee | Mystery Menu | NYT Cooking

You know how sometimes I have to like Race off to feed the dogs yeah now we Might have to like stop to like change The baby or feed the baby we've got like There's an extra challenge thrown into This mystery menu their brains just Don't work as well no they don't I'm I'm Quite stupid now Yeah I'm ham and I'm Sola and we are Back if you haven't been watching we get 1 hour to make dinner and dessert with a Mystery ingredient that's presented in a Brown paper bag that we dramatically Open so I have a secret to reveal to the Audience the entire last season I was in My first trimester so I was very tired And sleepy and every time the camera Stopped rolling I would just collapse And now I'm really scared because now I Have mommy brain and we also have a set Baby here we might just have peanut Butter and jelly Sandwiches don't open it just yet okay All right what if it's just like one uh Bodega ham and cheese who there's two Wait oh my gosh okay do we get to pick One I feel like they're trying to trick Us it smells like a bag does it smell Like truffle No this one feels like beets or Something yeah this this feels like like Produce vegetable and this could Potentially be caviar it could I think I Think want to go with this one I that

One we're going to go with this one get Those beats out of here you get to find Out what that is yeah find out at the End at the end okay do we go in we're Doing It oh oh okay Amazing where did you find these they Feel really nice too A lot of the times When you find like leechy they're really Hard and dry but this is pretty easy to Peel look at how like shiny and glossy That is this is a good leey I love all Tropical fruit but leechy it really Combines like mango and banana and like A lot of those really sweet tropical Fruits without going too far in the funk Direction like a papaya so it's really It's a great entry point tropical fruit To get into if you're if you're like Feet phobic and are kind of scared of uh Papayas and things like that I feel like I never really had them in America but Whenever we went to Bangladesh it was One of my mom's favorites so we would Just have so we would just sit down and And peel and eat them so good Immediately want Seafood that's what I Was say I want a Ceviche immediately I Think we should do like a AWA Chile yeah That sounds great with lii juice but Like besides eating it raw I've never Cooked with it I don't know what happens To the texture grapes turns into similar To a grape if you want to warm it

Through but you don't want to cook it so Much that you lose that nice like juicy Texture I wonder if you could roast it In the skin so it doesn't dry out oh That is a great idea maybe like like Even blacken it maybe not roast maybe we Could like Char it under the broiler I Think that would be great on a play of Your favorite salad the celery grape Apple salad so we can do we can like Blacken them pop them out we can pickle Some of them and then make a nice celery Salad with that and serve that alongside Like some pork maybe I would love to Braze a lamb shank in Luchi juice and Dark so that sounds great like the red Brazing like the red brazing that sounds Amazing we need a pressure cooker okay I Also feel like uh leuch are really good With uh bubbly like a French 75 can we Use liy juice or do we have to juice These I think anything anything in the Le in the Lei World okay great cuz we Going to need so many Lees juice it yeah Cuz that that way we can braze with it We can okay cool okay so first course We're going to do an awa Chile what kind Of fish um i' would like kamachi or even Like a nice Bas scallop and then like The red brace situation so that's going To be Lam shank brace with dark and Regular soy and Ley juice that's going To have the salad I want that with rice We can also put some Lei in the rice I'm

Thinking rice instead of the salad I Feel like the salad is a better showcase For the Lei but I think we can have like A little thing of rice on the side to Eat everything with what if we do it Instead of it being like tasting what if We do more large format and we do just Like three Shanks mhm on a platter with The leachy salad situation yeah we do a Rice and I feel like it might be nice to Do let's not put Luchi in the rice and Go like an Herby green rice yeah that Sounds great yeah yeah we can put some Curry leaves in the rice I feel like That Curry leaves are Curry leaves are Rum I feel like would be really nice Inum I love that yeah okay that sounds Really how would you go large format on A survey I don't I don't I'm not sold on Survey I just don't think it's I think It's not going to become a soret it's Just going to be slush it's going to be Slush we know it we've done this before What about lii Tartan you think you can Do that in the in the amount of time if I don't make the pastry if you use puff Pastry yeah how do you feel about that Lii tart 10 with like crem fresh What If Instead of vanilla it's seasoned with Like Stanis and like cinnamon and stuff Just so we keep it in that world I like The idea of just the staris staris and The caramel okay that sounds good I Don't believe in puff pastry on a Tartan

Mhm I prefer something shorter so we Let's buy a pie crust okay these are Some smart decisions we're being Responsible buying pie crust instead of Making it all right Lei starting off Strong so it's mystery menu lii how do You spell Mystery e r y e r that's correct wow it Doesn't look correct to me at all we Chang changed the AWA Chile to a seared Squid and lii salad we're going to char Some squid really hard cut it thinly and Then toss that in a lot of lime juice Slivered lii some pickled Luchi bunch of Herbs I don't what does this squid look Like it looks like a trash bag with legs Coming out of it so is it like wao it's Like a floppy Crown okay so we're going To do grilled squid well charred not not Grilled charred cuz we have no Grill cuz We can't grill in here without getting The fire department involved then black And lei mhm this is going to be really Interesting and I think we do like some Lme juice some fish sauce some garlic Mint cilantro dill and like crispy Shallots crispy garlic so now lamb Shanks it's going to be like large form That's a shank guys do it I thought it Was a fajita pan know I'm like wow we're Making fajitas now and salads Soy lii double soy just taii chili and Ginger feel like that should be that's It I don't think it need anything else

Do you want something like a peanut or a That's what's missing cashew cashew That's good and then it's should be lime Lime and luchy juice for the dressing Keep it really simple that sounds great Oh and rice and then and that's just Plain like rum rice yeah that's a pot of Rice wo and then theer is going to be wo Those are leaches and they're like Caramelized the scale of these drugs I Don't Understand how are you going To prepare the Lees for the TARTA tan Are you going to like cheek them I I was Thinking of just doing a slit popping Out the seed keeping them whole keep Them whole and just kind of like fill up With caramel so it's going to have that Sounds so good you get little pockets of Caramel inside of the Lei yeah we just Do stares and then a big dollop of creme Fresh simple chill easy my side is easy And then this is going to be crazy I Don't think be two different meals I Don't think it's that crazy you're like I want to use a gel I'm I going to use a Fum oh right we're going to do a drink Oh that's right the French 75 yes the Drink is really big I can't remember so It's typically champagne and gin and Lemon mhm you want to still do Gin Gin Still works no what if it's Vu oh yeah To get some of those tropical notes b or Some kind of champers from Champagne

Please wow no no prco NOA a champagne from Champagne you heard Him yeah feeling feeling great I feel Like this is a this is a good meal we Should be able to do this get in lamp Shacks in the pressure cooker all the Aromatics in there bring it up to Pressure that goes forget about it go Into Tartan get that get the caramel all Made get the Lees going pie crust oven That's done then spend the rest of the Time on the salad I think this is one of Our most kind of toned down ones that We've done so far Famous Last Words feeling good these are flavors we Familiar we're familiar with an Ingredient we're familiar with it's just You know will things cook in time that's Always the question with something like A lamb shank that takes so long to break Down it's just going to be luck who Knows just it's up to the like pressure Cooker deity at this Point 2 1 Begin so I'm going to get the lamb Shanks In I recently read about this thing Called a red brace in Christina Cho's Upcoming cookbook it's just dark soy Light soy and a bunch of Rock Sugar so Instead of the Rock Sugar I'm going to Use lii juice as my primary Sweetener and then we're going to do Some dark soy which is a little bit

Sweeter and also is the key to giving The red brace it's like really dark Color and then I'm just going to add Water since we've got so much flavor Going on we don't really need a [Music] Broth okay I hope you turn into brace we Changed the plan a bit so instead of Making like gels and Foams uh I'm going To make a really tasty like crab and Squid seafood salad so I'm starting with My pickling liquid I'm going to use some Ley juice to really get flavor in there I like to do my pickling liquids by Taste so since we're pickling Luchi Which is already pretty sweet and There's already Luchi juice in here I'm Going to lean more towards a sweet Pickle rather than a salty pickle just To kind of accentuate all those Flavors I'm going to make my dressing This here is palm sugar I'm going to cut It up into little little bits and then Dissolve it in some water then I'm going To add lime juice and fish sauce to that To make a dressing for the squid salad 5 Minutes have elapsed next thing is I Have these beautiful leis that I'm just Going to sear pretty hard in this Pan oh look at that that looks amazing They're roasting beautifully that is all Just like the leachy sugar they almost Look like caramelized shallots oh man These smell so good you want to take a

Whiff of these actually I'm glad that we Peeled them all because I think this is Better it smells so good smells like Meat almost Yeah this is for the Pickled Lei and I Want like different sizes so you get Like big pops of lii and then little Pops ofi so I'm just going to take my Pickling liquid pour it on top and then I'm just going to set that off to the Side now I'm going to make my dressing We're going almost equal [Music] Parts there should be more roasted Luchi It just changes the flavor of the Luchi It takes it away from just floral and Fruity and like a light sweetness to a Deeper caramelly note right that's our Dressing Ready so we were originally going to use Jasmine rice but last minute Adjustment we decided we're going to use Sushi rice and we're going to make it Like a coconut rice with um it's going To have Curry Leaf Thai Chili coconut And cashew we were going to originally Put the cashew in the salad but we're Going to put the cashew in the rice well My rice soaked so I'm going to get the Mix in for the rice toasting I don't Want the rice to be too hot so I'm going To just remove this stem and that just Helps like some of the heat from the Insides Escape but since it's whole it

Doesn't get too crazy the luchy that's Going to go in the rice is going to be You know I want kind of small pieces Kind of just stud the rice like raisins Okay that's good for the rice and then The rest I'm going to just half and pit And that's going to be for my TARTA pan I guess things are Happening and the cashew actually I Think I'm going to get a little Char on It it's very sweet nut so it doesn't Actually get bitter when you Char it so I think it'll be nice with the coconut The pressure cooker has come up to Pressure so I'm going to move it to the Back and turn it down cashews are Feeling done to me I'm going to pause on The rice garnish I want to have enough Burner space and I want to get this Sugar caramelizing cuz I need the tart Tan in the oven in the next 15 minutes For the tart tan instead of using all Sugar for the caramel I want to use some Of this luchy syrup so I'm going to do a Mix of the lii juice with sugar couple Pieces of staranise let's do some butter In there right now sometimes I put the Butter after my sugar my sugar is Caramalized that leaves you with more of Like that whole butter taste and then When you add the butter in the beginning It's more like toffee cuz the solids Have time to Brown and I'm going to get This rice

Going good Time this ripping hot now squid cooks Really really fast so by the time like There's color on one side you can flip It I'm using this fish spatula to like Maximize contact between the squid and The Pan cuz they tend to buckle those little Pockets of extra color that's that's What we're talking about while that Cooks I'm going to pick some herbs all These herbs are going with the squid so It's going to be a really bright Fresh Salad leaning into the freshness that a Luchi brings so here we've got some nice Dill [Music] These are actually my favorite part of Tentacles our squid looks Ready I'm sorry my side is so boring Today I'm just like cleaning herbs then Cleaning Leachy so I really like a pretty dark Caramel for Tartan cuz I think that's what makes it Interesting it keeps from getting too Sweet since the Butter's already in There you don't have to worry about Crystallization to just get in there and Like stir to make sure that it Caramelizes evenly and I like to go Until it's like just about to start to Burn and then we're going to add the Lees all at once and that's going to

Help stop the Browning I'm just going to Let this cool a little bit before I add The puff I actually think I need to let It simmer down too cuz there's a lot of Moisture when I'm doing an apple tarten I usually just let it roast in the oven And like let all the liquid simmer off But since we're in a hurry we're going To do all the stove and then we have to Finish the rice Mixing this I want to be just like light Golden not not the Char um what's our Time o I forgot the Luchi and the rice You have the lii and rice I almost Forgot to put it in there we got it oh Great okay let's remove some juices I Have to get this in the Oven so I think I talked about how I Didn't want to use puff Pastry I want the puff in there cuz at Least that part will look pretty we're Going to make this Work 30 minutes we have just that long However long we have left is how long It's going to Cook ooh maybe I should use this Ley Syrup in the cocktail you want to taste This Yeah oh that's really Good M I'll use that in the cocktail yeah That sounds really good so good we're Just cutting them really thin so it Soaks up all that

Dressing jumbo lump crab meat keep it Nice and chumpy just give it a slight Flake with my fingers added our dressing Toss that in there so it soaks all of That dressing up the Cucumber that we Marinated and the Ley pickle pickle Ley Here so then we go with our Dill I'm Using the herbs here as is like almost a Green open up your green mind Roma isn't The only lettuce in town there are Plenty of other [Music] Greens I reduced the temperature on the Tart tan with puff bter I like to start Hot to get a nice puff and then once the Puff is like set I knock the temp down So that it can cook through so we got Chinese celery Specifically because it has a lot of These leaves and it's also really really Much stronger it's more celery I feel Like a lot of celery you get at the Store now doesn't have any more leaves And it's the best part of the celery mhm The salad's going to be celery radish The roasted lii raw Lei lime where's the salad at it just Needs the fresh Luchi here I can finish It from there yeah thank You hot next to you [Music] 11 Minutes [Music]

Okay is it tender it's tender is tender Is tender tender enough tender enough That's the new name of my new shelf ooh 10 Minutes this might be a good Idea are you boiling the lamp tanks [Music] Yeah A damn it you okay yeah can you hold Something for me yeah yeah here I'll Hold This Will you pour that 9 Minutes 9 Minutes yeah I ended up having to add More water than I thought oh [Music] Oh God Lamb God feel like there's a lot of back and Forth here sir surely This is the salad for the lamb I'm just Pitting the leaches on top of the salad Just so any extra juice drips onto the Salad uh pitting the roasted baches and All that liquid that came out from the Bottom definitely using that too W Roasted baches are so much easier to Peel or pit yeah so easy they just pop Right out [Music] 6 Minutes oh we have to make a drink oh my God oh there's lamb in the oven oh my God I was like I know I'm forgetting Something this is the Lamb we got It oh God oh my God I got it it's

Okay cocktail let's make a Cocktail 4 minutes [Music] Come on [Music] Buddy two Minute final Minute ooh that's good wo [Music] Three Two cheers [Music] Che this looks like a real meal yeah Like you could eat this you got your Salad your rice your meat got it all It's like the challenge I think we Mystery menu this w oh this is an Amazing cocktail yeah this is Legitimately a cocktail you could like Sell at any bar I I love this tree Really I think that Legitimately we should make this at home Mhm it's I it's like better than a Margarita I wouldn't say it's better It's as good as a margarita it's it's Structurally like a margarita though Lime sweet booze and booze yeah okay so This is just a like seafood and luchy Salad there's some squid in there some Pickled lei Some fresh Luchi Crab squid a dressing made made of palm Sugar fish sauce a lot of lime and Luchi The Luchi are pickled in lii

Juice little heat from the Thai Chili Crunch from the fried garlic and Shallots on top Solid seafood salad Textures are really nice really nice pop Of heat mhm goes really well with the Lee and all the textures are really cool Together I'm really excited for this Rice I love charred cashews I know I got It from Him did you do it on purpose the first Time probably not and then I kept doing It cuz it's really Good that rice is really tasty coconut And the lii go so well together yeah and The bites of lii are nice cuz they're Not too sweet they're not they're just a Really nice texture I also think it's Interesting when you cook Le it gets More firm mhm it doesn't get soft I Wonder why okay now this is also going To be Firm cuz I don't believe the L had Enough time to get tender and then I Really would have liked to have had a Long time to simmer this down cuz I Wanted it to be like a glaze and it's Kind of just like a broth all right Let's have it with the salad so there's Fresh Luchi in here caramelized Lei a Chinese Celery Stock and leaves some Radish and just a bunch of lime juice Okay so the Lamb flavor is really nice the lamb Actually it's not as under as I thought

It probably just need another 10 minutes But the broth really needed to cook down Yeah it really need to cook down cuz I Want a sticky glaze and I'm actually Going to like before we eat it I'm going To simmer it down to make it all sticky Yeah cuz that's that's all this needs And then it would be really good and It's great yeah it's really good with The celery salad I think my Favorite is this with the rice yes I That is really good together yeah I feel Like this is just soggy City you know Because because of the caramel mhm it Just it's not caramel it's a syrup and The pastry was cooked and it was crisp But then as soon as I flipped it over oh All the all the syrup socked it out yeah And then you don't put ice cream on top You put Crum fresh it comes to America We add pastry and we had a whole bunch Of ice cream on top you turned it into Apple pie yeah it's not apple pie but I Love the creeme fresh cuz it has a Little Acidity no it's not crisp but that dark Caramel and the texture of the fruit is Great this I think could potentially be Really really good yeah I want it to be Like a pastry I make myself I want to be Crisp I want to cook down the caramel It's like it's a longer project than 1 Hour I love how juicy the Lei is I've Never had cooked Lei but I think it's

Better cooked I agree it's like we've Been wasting our Ley lives eating it Just like [Music] Fresh now We yeah I forgot there was a second Ingredient cuz I was so consumed by the Lii well we don't we don't have to guess Yeah want to guess avocad really really Firm avocados wait one of them soft There's like there's a firm or it's a Bag of potatoes and one done Bad Mangoes oh this would been fun this Would have Been both are good but Mangoes I mean who doesn't love a mango And you got all different varieties I Love these tiny mangoes like here this One I pink was better I know we lost we Lost we lost already we lost before we Even started wow oh I feel like we're Going have done a lot of the same things Oh yeah yeah would have worked one day We can do a mango tasting [Music]

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