Meet the Cold Start Roast Chicken Method
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Meet the Cold Start Roast Chicken Method

Welcome back everybody so today we're Going to be talking about chicken the Rast chicken the internet YouTube has Gone insane with the level of complexity What kind of skill do we need to make a Simple roast chicken at home right and It seems today that you need to be a Michan star Chef to do absolutely not And this is exactly what I'm going to Demonstrate to you today I'm going to Give you a formula the simplest cooking Method that is going to allow you to Have a perfectly rast chicken evenly Colored crispy skin juicing it inside With a chicken juw with zero effort on Your part or what you need to do is to Put this into the oven sit down on your Couch and wait for the magic to happen I've tested that method multiple times The students in high school have tested The method and as you can see in the Pictures he's been really passing the Test with flying colors I would not be Surprised if in the coming weeks or Month you're going to see YouTube videos Blog articles and people starting to Test that technique and use it because It is insanely simple and it absolutely Works so if you're curious and you want To be converted and you will keep Watching so what is that special cooking Method that formula did I invent Something no not really let me reassure You nobody invent anything nowadays in

Cooking this is simply an old cooking Method that used to be used in many French homes that for some reason we've Stopped you know we've stopped using it I don't know why and all what you need Okay for the ingredients you need eight Chicken of any size salt and pepper bit Of butter and some coarse salt and and And grain of pepper corn to season Inside the cavity for the cookwar we're Going to be using a baking or roasting Pan or roasting dish doesn't matter what You C it and of course an oven and That's about it right let's go for the Process step number one the chicken so I'm going to demonstrate here the Easiest laziest of all method there's Going to be no trust No stuffing no fussing around I'm just You know thinking of someone at home you Just have a baking tray a chicken Salt And Pepper that's it okay so I'm not Going to change anything on there I'm Going to leave it as is and I'm going to Start by seasoning the inside of the Chicken for the seasoning I've got my Chicken in here a few pinch of that Mixture salt and pepper you can put any Salt and pepper but do not overdo the Salt because your chicken is going to be Extremely salty after okay next the Thing we always do same thing Salt and Pepper or you can turn the chicken over I don't even bother I'm really doing a

Generous amount of salt and pepper it's Going a bit everywhere or clean my board And you always do this on the plate Before you put this in a roasting tray Okay Second Step the baking dish or the Baking tray the roasting pan whatever You call it okay this is a thick one It's a m one small size you don't need Something overly big and I am not using A gridle at the bottom to raise the Chicken again I'm going very simple for Someone that's got nothing at home what I'm going to do is Sunflower Oil just About one or two tablespoon I don't Overdo it at the bottom there and then I'm going to take my Chicken and place it on from here make Sure you wash your hand first I'm going To take some extra oil and simply just Kind of uh put it a bit here and there And with your hands if you want you can Massage the chicken a little bit to have A you bit everywhere but to be honest It's not even really necessary but I'll Do a little bit there okay and now to Finish my favorite part the butter so I Have four small pieces of butter and I'm Going to tuck them like this you know Wherever they can hold they're going to Fall off and put one around the um the Legs in the back there you see hold the Butter please and that's it we're done From here you're ready to cook your Chicken and what I'm going to do here is

Where everything differs is that I'm Going to place this in my oven that that Is at a moment absolutely cold and Turned off so here we are in the oven And the reason this method is called a Cold star chicken because yes the Chicken can be out of your fridge but The oven that you have here is totally Turned off and I just want you to make Sure I'm not tricking or anything I've Got my arms in the oven I can put my Hand on the thing at the top on the Heating element I've got above my hand And stay on there the whole video if I Want to this is off and there's nothing In there and this is crucial this is the Secret to that technique so all what We're going to do Here Chicken in there in here close the Door and then we're going to turn the Orphen on now since many people have Been asking me what type of orphen do I Use it is an F you see n eou f it's just Standard of and nothing nothing special And I'm using here fan Force okay very Important so fan force and I'm going to Put my temperature to 200° now this is a 1.5 kilo chicken if you were to have a Much bigger chicken most likely you may Want to reduce to 190 Celsius and cook This for a bit of a longer time so what I'm going to do from here is turn my Oven on and put my timer here to 70 Minutes the timer is now on and your job

Is done you can join back with your Friend sit down on the couch enjoy a Glass of wine watch a movie relax do Whatever go for a walk or what you need To do is wait and let the magic happen The Jew is going to be created on its Own The Roasting is going to happen on Its own you don't need to open the oven You don't need to turn the chicken you Don't need to do anything okay so I'll See you then when the time is up the Timer just went off I just took the Chicken out of the oven and this is uh How it looks like so let's start with The chicken I'm going to turn it Around sorry about the noise this is What you're getting with that technique There is lots of chicken Juda we're Going to filter but the first thing We're going to do which is the most Important is to leave that bird to rest I'm going to put it on a rack you can Cover with foil or parchment paper and a Good 20 minutes or more is needed to Have all these juices coming back into The meat perfect so my chicken is now Resting I've covered with foil and That's a great thing already we've done The chicken it's nicely colored it's Crispy and it's going to get juicy what You're getting out of the technique as Well is this this is a natural chicken This is all the caramelized juices all Of the natural fat from the chicken that

I have now gathered into a huge amount Look at this look how much I've Got and that my friends is super tasty Now I I can't wait for taking a piece of Bread and starting to dip in there Because this is beautiful so I'm going To take this off and put it into a Separate Bowl now something that I did Mention at the beginning regarding the Chicken is that yes we didn't put some Kind of griddle like this under so the Bottom is not crispy and that's normal But I still put it on a bit of a of a Cooling rack like that you see with a Tray under so that the the juices are Dripping so it's not getting any more Kind of soggy so it have a chance to dry A little bit and and if we start to Look what's under I mean look at this And this is the refence and right there What else do we want people I mean look At that beautiful so I've been waiting I'm not sure if it's 20 minutes yet Because I can't wait and you know a Roast chicken you know what it is okay There's nothing super special you've Seen this a million time so all what I'm Going to try to do here is just a little Incision you can see the juice is coming Out I just want to cut a little bit of The I like the the breast okay we're Going to look inside and then I'm going To put this onto a plate okay let me Show you the inside okay it's kind of

Very hard on that tray here but if we Have the chicken breast on here you can See I don't know if you can see in the Camera but it's still nice and moist in Here and it's not dry as hell and it's Going to be perfect so let me detach it Put it on the place with see better so All what I want to show here is how the Chicken looks like with that Ultra Simple method and we've got how chicken Here is nice and moist if you want to See the inside of the leg it's not pink At all it's cooked okay and we've get You know we get the Jew in here so I'm Going to mix it in and you can basically Be very generous and that's how I like To eat my chicken is with sauce now Sauce is very important in French Cooking so we've got plenty of sauce in Here and I'm just going to carve through This turn this over this how it looks Like you've had chicken before But let me tell you That does not get old and when you get [Music] That a little old Taste of rottis three In the Jew like That this is basically my favorite you Need that Jew if you don't have that Jew You don't have a roast chicken so look At that zero Effort beautifully tasty and most Chicken of course the beauty of this of Having all these juices in it's

Something we do in France all the time Is taking the bread when you're done You're going to be soaking the whole Thing in M look at That up like a sponge M and there you Have it this is how you can roast a Chicken with zero efforts with minimum First what you've seen here is the Barebone simplistic way with no trussing No feeling no flavoring no herbs inside Nothing and I will leave this to you to Try at home and tell me what you thought In the comments section and if you've Been scared to make a roast chicken this Is a new beginning for you because Honestly once you've tried this there is No turning back I will see you all next Week anyway for another cooking video on The French Cooking Academy take care all [Music] [Music] Byebye you g me Rain some kind of Butterfly baby you meip [Music] [Music] [Music] Don't want to over it baby

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