The Egg Aventure - Ep 1 :Bistrot Style Egg Salad
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The Egg Aventure – Ep 1 :Bistrot Style Egg Salad

Welcome back everybody we are going onto An egg Adventure because it's been quite Some times that I want to do this and I'm not talking about something we're Going to be making omelette and scramble Day I'm talking about egg recipes such As these from her book The Egg Florentine you've got a poach egg bed of Spinach covered in mon sauce and cheese Bril into the oven that is the types of Recipe that I'm after something with Flare where the egg is mixed with other Stuff but we need to start simple and The best way to begin is the hard oiled Egg and the mayonnaise in France this is Called the of mayo half the Egg theop of Mayonnaise but this is not a format I Found very handy the rest of the world Use this to make a famous egg salad with The eggs is chopped mixed with the May And other ingredients and it's very Vertile you can serve it as e as a side And even make an egg sandwich which is So famous in Holland where I live for a Few years so this is where we're going To be starting with the exad and how to Make it from scratch with a few Different flavors I'm going to share With you and you're going to see it Makes all the difference already and if You like eggs you're in for good Right so let's begin our egg Adventure Number one here the ex salad and I think The exad is like hamburgers everybody

Know how to make it but there's a Handful of people that knows how to make It really well okay there's not many Ingredients we got first the eggs they Have to be good quality organic eggs if You if you can a homemade mayonnaise and Then chives and these are the r pill the Fre little things you can replace the Chiv with spring onion but I found that They're already intrusive and they can Overpower your salad so my favorite here Is absolutely chives so let's go for the Process and I'm going to share with you The key little things that makes all the Difference and that's going to make re Your salad shine and be absolutely tasty Let's go so let's begin on the stove With our water I'm going to bring this Water to the boil I'm going to add a Pinch of salt and a dash of vinegar in Here now while the water is coming to a Boil it is a good time to make the so Quick recap on the mayonnaise when You're making a mayonnaise make sure That your egg yog is at room temperature You don't want anything too cold and you Want to measure your oil now the oil Usually about 120 to 150 mil is The Sweet Spot okay so my advice go and Measure you start with your egg yolks We're going to add a little bit of salt And pepper and it can't be boring and You're going to have about you know a Teaspoon of mustard in here the most

Most important when you're here is to Start the emulsification process so you Mix Everything and you spend 20 seconds or Something like that to mix everything Together to really have a bit of a foamy Mixture not exactly foamy but you know What I mean so I'm bringing you a bit Closer to the action and you can see now You got that mixture that's kind of Yellowish and it's all re Blended from Here you can start to add a little bit Of oil okay it doesn't have to be a Droplet of oil Okay and you make sure it goes in there It's Incorporated it starts to thicken And you Continue so you can see within minutes It's becoming super thick and I'm Finishing my o this is 150 mil of oil For the one egg Yolk so this is it look at the Mayonnaise it's very thick indeed not a Problem and uh depending on the color of Your egg yolks it's maybe a little bit Too yellow for some people and what you Can do in this case is to add a little Bit of vinegar or Le lemon juice so just I'm going to add a drop of apple cider Vinegar in here see just a little drop In here and I'm going to use a small Whisk just to show you okay and you mix That in and that is going to add some Tanginess to your mayonnaise and it's

Really going to whiten it and make it Look like the thing you got in a shop as Soon as your mayonnaise is done you Transfer it to a small container I'm Going to cover it with plastic film and I'm going to store this in the fridge Only While we're making the eggs remember you Can keep the mayonnaise in the fridge For a little bit but not too long Otherwise it's going to be a kind of a Crust that's going to form and it is the Oil that starts to solidify okay so you Can put it in the fridge but not for too Long okay so plastic film in the fridge And now let's cook the eggs perfect Timing my water is now boiling and my Eggs here at at room temperature you're Going to delicately place them into uh The Water okay and you're going to be Wanting to use a timer here so as soon As it's in the water I'm going to Count 8 minutes top okay Rising my heat And as soon as the 8 minutes are done We're going to take this off you do not Want you do not want to overcook your Eggs because that is going to ruin your Salad so now my eggs are in uh we can Cut the chiv now the chiv is one of Those thing that also we can be careless About I'm just going to chop the chives Right and you end up with huge chunks Pieces that are too large and when you Have a salad the last thing you want is

To have a really large bite on a piece Of CH they're great for adding flavors And they work great but you don't want Too many big chunks because then you end Up like where is this like like big Branches everywhere so what I found Always when it comes to CH is really Make the best possible effort to really Go as small as you Can okay so I'm talking About This okay that kind of size final closer Look I'm done with the chives and look At this this is how small they are this Is what you want and there's no big Chunks of CH they're all thinly thinly Chopped my timer just went off I'm Turning this and I'm going to pour that Water out and fit it with cold water now This step is absolutely crucial as soon As the timer goes off make make sure you Empty the boiling water fill with cold And you leave a stream of very cold Water running for 30 to 40 seconds That's going to stop the cooking of the Eggs and prevent them from getting Rubbery and it's going to make the whole Peeling process afterward much easier Once you're done you leave them in cold Water for good 5 minutes before peting Them and now for the pitting so I've Already started but what you do you take Your eggs you kind of break it on the Sink you know you can do it like this

With your hand roll it but don't smash It too too hard and you're using that Kind of running water that's what I do You see to help it goes in between the Kind of the membrane and everything the Bit of the eggs then it's kind of easier To detach you still have to be gentle And bit by bit uh we're going to be Detaching everything and we're going to Be peeling our eggs okay up there we go And once they're done you have to keep The eggs in a bowl filled with cold Water not a dry Bowl okay so I'm going To plung this in my bowl next to me in Cold water so let's take a break for a Moment because we've reached a big Milestone we've made everything we've Prepared the eggs we have the chives and We've made the Min so from here if You're not ready you can keep the Mayo And the eggs in the fridge and whenever You're ready we can start the slicing And the assembling and now for the Cutting of the eggs now you can chop Them whatever way you want cut them in Half chop them and hack with your knife But you want rather a smish kind of Pieces and uh having tried different Things I think one of the tool that I Like is to use these kind of of egg Slicer things okay so I start with this See up because we first get this and Then I get my eggs out that is kind of Pre-sliced and then I go through and do

My Slices okay and I'm going to be slicing Away okay to get a nice little mixture You see the egg yolk is not overcooked And I'm going to transfer this into a Bowl and repeat with all the eggs would You look at this this is the core of Your salad and this is where it needs to Shine the egg yolk is not like choke and You will see that the egg white is Really tender and when you have a piece It almost melts in the mouth and this is Very very important if you don't have That you're not going to have a great Egg salad okay now let's do the basics Mayonnaise Typically I will run about a Tablespoon uh per egg a small table Spoon so we've got five eggs so you see I'm can can add About four to five and a bit generous uh Tablespoon of mayonnaise in there and Then very gently and very carefully We're just going to start to incorporate Everything in there I'm all done the Final Touch of course the CH so the CH Is the same thing I add a little bit of Ches but don't want to overpower my Excelled with chives so a little bit of It and then same thing we're going to Mix and then we're going to have a taste And that's it we're all done this is the Basic egg salad we've got a little bit Of chai but not too much you know what I

Want is eggs eggs and eggs and the mayos I'm going to have of course have a Try oh eggs and mayonnaise is just that Kind of a match made in heaven And I think I'm going to add the rest of My I think I've got like just a Tablespoon where up bit more I just love Homemade May addictive so now where can you go From here you can add all kinds of Ingredients people add all kinds of Things in France we can add tomatoes you Can add giring spring onions even pieces Of you know of sausage or anything like This and you can get like a salad pontes But the more you add things the more You're going to have a mixed salad and The less you're going to have an egg Salad uh one of the winning combination I've come across in Holland is uh number One the curry you add a few pinches of Curry into your ex salad to make a curry Flavor ex salad the second one is Mustard you add some extra digon mustard In here okay and if you want to go Further than that you can pan fried Staky bacon really really crispy and Then chop it and add it in there and Mixing the whole lot together but with There in the back this is the famous White bread because at the moment Watching this I'm starving and I'm going To be building that very simple and Humble egg sandwich that I love now the

Egg sandwich is so simple but the one Thing you need is that really basic soft White bread it's almost like a mattress And you want a soft cross you don't want Something hard anything you could get Rid of the crust if you want but the Basic one is just just that we're going To try to add some of the exhaled and I'm going to kind of spread it Over using a spatula very gently now Look at this now this is really the Epitome of the simple pleasure you got This homemade mixture with that piece of Bread and what you doing you know we're Going to add that other piece on there And the um you know cutting is very Important I'm using these Long Knives is Kind of that kind of bakery or Baker's Knife to not squash the whole thing up Okay and trying to have that almost like When you're a kid you know and this is The egg sandwich look at this look Inside it's fluffy like a mat ready to Be eaten I'm going to be civilized and I've cut one half into another half but Look at this pieces of eggs falling on The side you got the chives you got the You know the egg yolk that's just bar Cooked kind of thing and and you know What I'm I'm going in So simple but it Works so well honestly that beautiful But I completes the video guys this is The part one on how to make an excellect

From scratch you can flavor it with all Kinds of things if you've never tried it Before honestly it is super versatile You know highly recommended for Sandwiches for a dip any time of the day If you've got kids or whatever it is a Great thing to do next time of course We're going to start to go a bit further With the egg with something more comp Lex more complicated and see what kind Of flavor we can get I see you all next Time on the French Cooking Academy take Care all [Music] Bye-bye [Music] B me wind Rain ofly Maybe you Meid whip up my

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