The full recipe for Melissa Clark’s Upside-Down Peach Cobbler is in the description 🍑✨
Home » The full recipe for Melissa Clark’s Upside-Down Peach Cobbler is in the description 🍑✨

The full recipe for Melissa Clark’s Upside-Down Peach Cobbler is in the description 🍑✨

Something about flipping a dessert on Its head that makes it extra special I Took a quue from an apple tart tatan I Used peaches instead to me it's just Like the perfect summer celebration of Peaches that caramel it's going to turn Gold it's going to turn darker gold and Then it's going to reach the color of an Irish cter the peaches soften the Caramel thickens to like a rich caramel Sauce it's just a stunningly beautiful Dessert

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