The Quickest and Easiest French Dish You'll Ever Make
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The Quickest and Easiest French Dish You’ll Ever Make

Welcome back to the channel everyone so Some time ago I've been talking about Something called a Cuisine the Menage And this is the true side of French home Cooking and these are all the easy Dishes you can make at home but today We're going to talk about a modern Branch of that home cooking it's called The quisine rapid okay sits under and it Adds a degree of easiness to the recipe You can make at home so Cuisine Rapid Means fast cooking and these are recipe That requires barely no time whatsoever It's just moving things around putting Things in a in you know in a pan and Cooking in the oven so this recipe here If you're time poor you're going to love It still pork chops cooked in mustard And beer so still level of intricacy but Really zero effort so if you're looking For something Ultra simple of the simple This is it let's go now I'm sure the Question everybody mine is can we really Make something tasty in just five Minutes of preparation this is the Question this is what we're going to be Trying to find out so for that recipe All what you need is here we're going to Be using two pork CH you can use four And we're going to use some beer this is Just a lugger like a blonde beer we're Going to use 100 Mil to 150 mil digon Style mustard half a garlic clove here Very thinly sliced same for the onion

Half an onion you'll find everything on The recipe card sometime dry time and These are some B Lea salt and pepper We're going to be using a baking dish Something that goes into the oven and Because this is oven baked pork chopped I should have mentioned that okay and Now let's see the process so 5 minutes Let's go step number one we need to Season the chops so salt and pepper and You will know that I've leave the the Rine in here because that's going to Kind of protect I think the um the meat From drying because that can red dry so Salt and pepper in here on both sides I'm going to turn them into do the same Seasoning done step number two flavoring We're using mustard maybe I should have Kind of do the salt and pepper after the Mustard but roughly speaking on each Side we're going to add a good coating Of mustards so so we can all agree if Put mustard everywhere okay even on the R in it's everywhere so next we have to Put this into the dish let's go all Right so once we're done Here uh oh you know what if you were to Do four pork chops I think you would Need a heck of a a large dish because It's not the smallest of all dish but Look at that so quite uh quite busy okay Pork chops into the dish and now uh some FL seasoning so this is the time that Kind of from the garden I'm kind of

Putting this around some flavor time is Good I mean you know it's nice some B in There and then we're going to have all The the other stuff so the the Garlic uh and the onion okay so you get The gist take your stuff I think half an Onion is maybe a bit too much I like to Go with the eye like this you know when We see something we want some onions on The side but something it looks good Okay what do you think think that good Enough I think it's Decent so there we have it we're done That's basically the 5 minutes involved Into preparing the dish next is the Cooking so you have to preheat your oven At you know 200 a bit more than 200 if You want but 200 degrees celsus with the Fan force on okay make sure it's praded Before don't put it in a cold oven for That recipe and here apparently we need To first put the chops for a good 5 Minutes until we got some light Coloration before adding the beer into The okay so I'm going to do I'm going to Put this for 5 minutes maybe a bit more Until I get some coloration and I'll Show you it looks like all right so as I Thought 5 minutes was highly optimistic To get any coloring on the chops I Waited 10 minutes to have some onions Being colored in there and a little bit Of colored there and uh it's time to put The beer but before I think I'm going to

Add a little fat in there just on the r There bit of olive oil because it just Looks a bit dry for my so that's my Personal touch and then the beer okay I'm going to kind of pour it over First we don't want to drown this in the Be you see I think like just you know Like if 100 Mil maximum so it's just Barely at the bottom not even halfway And so it's going to kind of steam so Even that maybe a much so you don't want To have dry chops and from here I think Uh we're going to have to wait a good 20 Minutes I think to cook this chops so I'm going to put it as is and we'll see The result and here we are so if you Wanted to know exactly how it look looks Like just out of the oven as e as for The recipe after this 5 minutes that's How it looks like uh it was saying that You could base the top if things were Getting a bit dry which I've done once But then you get a little bit of that Wettish kind of Outlook I think it was a Little bit better before I did the Basting and what I'm seeing is that There is an interesting Little broth on here I put the things on The side because I just want to try that Little um okay so that I'm quite Surprised here because I was thinking oh It's going to bit ter but no with the Leer it's fine it's going the taste of The pork and the onion it will go

Perfectly you know drenched over the the Chops are here but also if you serve This with side of potatoes so 5 minutes Preparation time 20 to 25 minutes Cooking I have to say if you're really Time po it is pretty good so what's left To do now is have a little bite all Right so this is our pork chop I've Already served um the chop remember Mustard uh this beer and you've got that Little broth that I keep on adding on Here I've had a slice to check uh the Cooking in there was not not not bad Actually and the broth is very tasty It's still tender that's what I was Checking so you have to really get some Good quality Chops okay and it's nice this onion is a Bit burned there But well to be Honest for the short amount of time Um with a side of potatoes that will be Perfect if you have friends over you Don't know what to Make with the Kids or any occasion on the Fly really I Think a good dish so what is the verdict Uh the first thing I'd like to say is That it was true to its word fast Cooking ready here in 30 minutes is true 5 minute preparation time take 25 Minutes to 30 minutes max cooking time Take so we can say definitely it's a True 30 minutes smell and I think that

Really bust the myth that floats around That French cooking is always difficult That you need to spend hours in front of A stove to make any french dish and what I love about this is that even with this Minimum amount of work you're going to Get something that really has all this French cooking aspect so you got the Looks you got the layer taste you got The mustard the beer the onion the Garlic the bay leaf with the time which Is the classic seasoning and you got Plenty of cooking juices that you can Serve with you know a mashed potato Grat sauted potatoes that is going to be Absolutely beautiful so if you've never Tried French cooking because you think It's too hard this is going to be the Dish for you so if you try it at home Let me know in the comment section what You thought if you make a variant let me Know as well and I'm sure you will be Impressed but anyway I will leave you With this picture as usual and we will See you next time on the French Cooking Academy for another video take care all Bye-bye baby you me ice [Music] Anding me wind [Music] Rain [Music] [Music] [Music]

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