
Immensely fluffy with a taste you won’t forget! ( Bastille day Special)

Bas day is approaching and if you want To celebrate with a bang you need Something quite impressive remember that Basti there was not a picnic okay the Bastial day was actually the storming Burning and destruction of a prison…

Tomato fans, Christian Reynoso’s Juicy Tomatoes With Parmesan-Olive Bread Crumbs is for you.

What I love about this recipe is that it Takes any type of raped tomato and makes Them juicier just by salting them Advance which draws out moisture and Then paars them with these crunchy Breadcrumbs that are cheesy garlicky…

New Mysteru Menu out now!

We are back so I have a secret to reveal To the audience the entire last season I Was in my first trimester so I was very Tired and sleepy and every time the Camera stopped rolling I would just…

Lychee Challenge: 2 Chefs Make Dinner and Dessert With Lychee | Mystery Menu | NYT Cooking

You know how sometimes I have to like Race off to feed the dogs yeah now we Might have to like stop to like change The baby or feed the baby we've got like There's an extra challenge thrown into…

Let’s burn something for Bastille day🔥

JeanHave you ever wondered why most of the Vinaigrettes in the grocery store are made with 10, 20, sometimes even almost 30 ingredients? I remember growing up in Provence watching my mother whipping vinaigrettes before every single dinner.  She would … Read More

What Your Grocery Cart Says About You | NYT Cooking

Your grocery receipt says a lot about You who hasn't peaked into the C of the Person in front of you and tried to Piece together their life based on its Contents we decided to do just that and We…

New Recipe Quest out now!

We're recreating my dream birthday cake It's specifically a cake that I had at Chuck-E-Cheese dark chocolate white Frosting Okay it's like really good who Wants to Li the spoon ooh this one's Close wow it's so moist man it's…

Recreating My Favorite Childhood Birthday Cake (From Chuck E. Cheese!) | Recipe Quest | NYT Cooking

[Music] Hey it's Eric welcome to another episode Of recipe quest with this video series We've really been trying to show You this episode is really about Nostalgia we're creating my dream Birthday cake it's specifically a cake That I…

Is this a genius idea or what? 🍅🥟✨

Dumpling tomato salad with chili crisp Vinegret I do kind of feel like this is My soul meal like this is the the dish That sums me up as a person and as a Cook you can use any type…

Mortadella! Carbonara!

Mortadella carbonara possibly this most Luscious most cloudlike pasta I have Ever made carbonara is usually made with Guan chal which is a salty cured pork But Here by using Mortadella instead of Guan chal we get something totally Different…

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