While not as well known as pesto alov Lemon pesto is a delicious variation That adds a jolt of brightness used in Italy as both a pasta sauce or a spread For Christini its preparation is similar To a classic pesto but the addition of The lemon zest and Juice give it a Unique flavor and color this simple week Night pasta sauce can be made ahead as It keeps in the refrigerator for up to a One week
Have you ever wondered why most of the Vinaigrettes in the grocery store are made with 10, 20, sometimes even almost 30 ingredients? I remember growing up in Provence watching my mother whipping vinaigrettes before every single dinner.  She would mix in a giant bowl, delicious extra virgin olive oil, a robust aged vinegar (the flavor would depend on the main dish), sea salt and pepper and voila! I decided to do the same thing for my family and friends more than 20 years ago here in this beautiful country. And Provence Kitchen® was born. Stay tune for more articles and wonderful family recipes..
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